標題: 從複雜背景中將目標物擷取技術之研究
A Study on the Target Separation from Complex Backgrounds
作者: 陳治平
Chen, Chih-Ping
Sheng-Fuu Lin
關鍵字: 複雜;背景;目標物;擷取;Complex;Backgrounds;Target;Separation
公開日期: 1996
摘要: 在真實的世界中,人類所遇到的環境多半是複雜且多變的,然而這些來自 自然界的因素與雜訊卻造成了影像處理上的困擾。關於目標物擷取的研究 方面,過去許多的研究結果,多半只考慮到一些簡單的雜訊干擾問題,直 到最近才開始有學者進行有關具有複雜背景因素之問題的研究,可惜這些 研究結果對部份變化較細微或較不明顯的物體卻無法完全的將它們顯現出 來。 在此,我們先著手分析背景與目標物的相互關係,進而利用改良式 邊緣檢測的技巧將目標物擷取出來。在我們的係統中,主要是利用目標物 訊號在模糊化(blurring)後其訊號較易保留的特性將目標物擷取出來。在 實驗中,我們也應用了最佳參數選取技巧來減少錯誤的判斷。最後,在實 驗結果中我們的確看到利用我們的系統處理後,所得到的圖形確實有不錯 的效果。 In the real-world environment people face, perception is usually complicated andfickle, and this is always worrisome to researchers studying image processing.According to the studies on the field of target separation, most of them considered only simple noise disturbance problems. Recently, many researchers began to studythis question with complicate backgrounds. But the results obtained by these researchersdid not clearly show objects with tiny or unobvious contours. For this reason, we analyze the interaction between backgrounds and target objects. Furthermore, we usemodified edge detection operators to get the target signals. We find that targetsignals may be retained easily after blurring. Therefore, we use this characteristicto obtain target from complex backgrounds. During our experiments, we apply optimal parameter selectiontechnology to reduce false alarms. Finally, our experiment results show that patterns processed byusing our system yield very good target-separation result.
Appears in Collections:Thesis