Title: 具線上學習能力之自我建構類神經模糊推理網路
On-Line Self-Constructing Feedforward/Recurrent Neural Fuzzy Inference Networks
Authors: 莊家峰
Juang, Chia-Feng
Lin Chin-Teng
Keywords: 類神經網路;模糊網路;遞迴式網路;基因演算法;監督式褲習;加強式學習;neural network;fuzzy network;recurrent network;genetic algorithm;supervised learning;reinforcement learning
Issue Date: 1996
Abstract: 本論文提出基於監督式及加強式學習之新的類神經模糊推理網路的
構前向類神經模糊推理網路 (SONFIN) 。此SONFIN網路本身為一修正式的
依據分群法來給定每條法則的單值 。其後,在必要時,再依據投影相關
也可在參數學習過程中做動態調整。 其次,為了處理動態的監督式學
習,我們提出了一遞迴式自我建構類神經模糊推理網路 (RSONFIN)。
了一學習快速、結構小的動態類神經模糊網路。 最後,針對加強式學
合。使用所提出的共生演算法為基礎的模糊控制器 (SEFC) 設計法,所花
法則的後件部可採用不同的型式,如單值或TSK型模糊法則。 以上所
提的SONFIN 、RSONFIN與 SEFC法均經由電腦模擬加以驗證與比較。其中
音消除、動態系統辨識、動態控制器設計。 SEFC已被用來做倒單擺控制
New methodologies for constructing neural fuzzy inference
networksbased upon supervised or reinforcement learning are
proposed in this thesis.First, based upon supervised learning,a
Self-cOnstructing Neural Fuzzy Inference Network (SONFIN)with
on-line learning ability is proposed.The SONFIN is inherently a
modified TSK-type fuzzy rule-based modelpossessing neural
network's learning ability.There are no rules initially in the
SONFIN.They are created and adapted as on-line learning
proceedsvia simultaneous structure and parameter identification.
In the structure identification of the precondition part,the
input space is partitioned in a flexible wayaccording to an
aligned clustering-based algorithm.As to the structure
identification ofthe consequent part,only a singleton value
selected by a clustering methodis assigned to each rule
initially.Afterwards, some additional significant terms(input
variables) selectedvia a projection-based correlation measure
for each rulewill be added to the consequent part(forming a
linear equation of input variables)incrementally as learning
proceeds.The combined precondition and consequentstructure
identification scheme can set upan economic and dynamically
growing network,a main feature of the SONFIN.In the parameter
identification,the consequent parameters are tuned optimallyby
either least mean squares (LMS)or recursive least squares (RLS)
algorithms,and the precondition parameters are tuned by
backpropagation algorithm.Both the structure and parameter
identification are done simultaneouslyto form a fast learning
scheme,which is another feature of the SONFIN.Furthermore,to
enhance the knowledge representation ability of the SONFIN,a
linear transformation for each input variablecan be incorporated
into the networkso that much fewer rules are needed or higher
accuracy can be achieved.Proper linear transformations are also
learned dynamicallyin the parameter identification phase of the
SONFIN. Second, a Recurrent Self-cOnstructing Neural Fuzzy
Inference Network (RSONFIN)is proposed for dealing with dynamic
supervised learning problems.The RSONFIN is inherently a
recurrent multilayered connectionist networkforrealizing the
basic elements and functions of {\em dynamic} fuzzy inference,
and may be considered to be constructed from a series of dynamic
fuzzy rules.The temporal relations embedded in the networkare
built by adding some feedback connectionsrepresenting the memory
elements to a feedforward {\em neural fuzzy} network.There are
no hidden nodes (i.e., no membership functions and fuzzy rules)
initially in the RSONFIN.They are created on-line via concurrent
structure identification(the construction of dynamic fuzzy if-
then rules)and parameter identification(the tuning of the free
parameters of membership functions).The structure learning
together with the parameter learningforms a fast learning
algorithm for building a small, yet powerful,dynamic neural
fuzzy network.Two major characteristics of the RSONFIN can thus
be seen:1) The recurrent property of the RSONFIN makes it more
suitable fordealing with temporal problems.2) No
predetermination, like the number of hidden nodes, must be
given,since the RSONFIN can find its optimal structure and
parametersautomatically and quickly. Finally, an efficient
genetic reinforcement learning algorithmfor designing fuzzy
controllers is proposed in this thesis.The genetic algorithm
(GA) adopted in this thesis isbased upon {\em symbiotic
evolution} which,when applied to fuzzy controller design,matches
well with the local mapping property of a fuzzy rule.Using this
Symbiotic-Evolution-based Fuzzy Controller (SEFC) design
method,the number of control trials as well as consumed CPU
timeare reduced considerablyas compared to traditional GA-based
fuzzy controller design methodsand other types of genetic
reinforcement learning schemes.Moreover, unlike the traditional
fuzzy controllerswhich partition the input space into grids,the
SEFC partitions the input space in a flexible wayresulting in
fewer fuzzy rules.In the SEFC, different types of fuzzy
ruleswhose consequent parts are singletons, fuzzy sets,or linear
equations (TSK-type fuzzy rules) are allowed,and the free
parameters (e.g., centers and widths of membership functions)and
precondition-to-consequent mapping are all tuned automatically.
Especially, for the TSK-type fuzzy rule,only the significant
terms (input variables) are selectedby the proposed learning
algorithmto participate in the consequent of each rule.
Capabilities and performances of the proposed SONFIN, RSONSIN,
and SEFC methods are verified and comparedthrough various
computer simulations.SONFIN hasbeen applied to system
identification,communication channel equalization, water bath
temperature control,chaotic time series prediction, and noisy
speech recognition problems.RSONFIN has been applied to dynamic
sequence prediction,adaptive noise cancellation, dynamic
identification,and dynamic control problems.SEFC has been
applied to cart-pole balancing system,magnetic levitation
system,and water bath temperature control problems.Capabilities
and performances of the proposed methodsare verified from these
Appears in Collections:Thesis