Title: 設計與實作一個平順無接縫的行動式網路系統
Design and Implementation of a Seamless Mobile Networking System with Wireless LANs
Authors: 何建璋
Ho, Murphy C. C.
Chien-Chao Tseng
Keywords: 行動計算;網際網路;行動性管理;Mobile Computing;Internet;Mobility Management
Issue Date: 1996
Abstract: 近年來,因可攜性產品技術的進步,傳統在特定地點才能使用網路的 方式,變得不能滿足所有的使用者。在不久的未來,使用者將可以在他們 的可攜式電腦加上無線介面,就可以隨時隨處的連上資訊網路,進行資料 存取、檔案傳輸等工作。這種更為便利的計算環境稱為行動計算(mobile computing)環境。並且由於近年來無線傳輸服務的需求增加,以及網際網 路(Internet)的普及,所以在現有的網際網路環境下提供行動計算服務, 就成為當前極為重要的課題。 就行動計算環境而言,系統中的每個行 動電腦會隨時移動,並且在移動的過程中仍繼續保持著資料通訊。因此, 行動計算環境可提供較傳統的網路環境更多新的資料服務形態。另一方面 ,卻因此必須提供行動性管理(mobility management),以順利完成行動 計算通訊。 交遞(handoff)對於行動計算環境來說是不可或缺的。因 為通訊的品質會因交遞而受到影響,為了確保更佳的通訊品質,一個平順 無接縫的交遞方式是必需的。另就計算環境的觀點,因為使用者的移動性 ,目前網際網路之分封交換繞路機制-網際網路協定(IP)不再完全適用。 因此必須針對行動計算環境設計一套相容於目前網際網路協定的行動式通 訊協定(mobile IP),使得行動計算環境能繼續利用目前網際網路計算環 境中豐富的資訊資源。 本論文之目的即整合網際網路與無線區域網路 ,設計與實作一個行動式網路的雛形環境。並且提出一套整合數據鏈結層 與網路層以支援主機行動性的方法,基於提供更高品質的行動通訊環境, 在設計行動式網路架構與行動管理方法上,平順無接縫的交遞將是我們設 計上主要的考量。 In recent years, due to the advance in technology of portable products,the traditional way of using the network at fixed location can't satisfythe users any more. In mobile computing environments, users can make useof the rich resources in the existing data network from anywhere atanytime. Because of the demand for the mobile services and the prevalence of Internet, it has become an important issue to extend current Internetto support host mobility. In mobile computing environments, each hostcould be brought anywhere with time and keeps their existing connectionsalive. Thus, Mobility provides users a lot of new services, but it alsoincurs a locating problem. To resolve the problem, a mobile computingsystem must take roaming management system into account. Handoffs arenecessary for the mobile computing environments. The link quality willbe influenced by handoffs. Thus, a seamless handoff method is essentialto ensure better link quality. Mobility also makes the existing InternetProtocol (IP) unable to route packets correctly. Internet protocol is not adequate for a network with mobile hosts. Thus, we will focus on themobility support, and design and implement a roaming management systemfor the Internet with Wireless LANs. The mobile Internet Protocol (mobile IP) used in the roaming system will be compatible with the IETF mobileIP. The objective of this thesis is to integrate Internet and wirelessLANs and to design and implement the prototype of a mobile network. Also,we propose a mechanism to integrate the data link layer and network layer to provide a mobility environment, a seamless handoff will be the majorconcern on the design of mobile network architecture and mobilitymanagement mechanisms.
Appears in Collections:Thesis