Title: 個人通信系統之無線線路轉移模擬器發展
Development of a PCS Handoff Simulator
Authors: 林志維
Lin, Chi-Wai
Lin Yi-Bing
Keywords: 個人通信系統;本位位址資料庫;暫時位址資料庫;行動交換機中心;基地台;無線線路轉移;PCS;HLR;VLR;MSC;BS;Handoff
Issue Date: 1996
Abstract: 個人通訊系統不同於傳統的公眾電話網路(PSTN)。個人通訊系統 的手機可以到處移動,透過基地台與網路溝通(communication)。手機 與基地台之間是以無線電波相連,故手機與網路間較傳統通訊方式上多出 額外的行為(behavior),如無線線路轉移(Handoff)、行動管理( Mobility management)以及無線電資源管理(Radio resource management),使得個人通訊網路之設計及規劃較傳統通訊系統複雜。 本論文的目的在於發展一套個人通信系統的模擬器。利用此模擬器讓研究 者能對瞭解模擬器在個人通信系統的功能以及重要性有所瞭解,並能熟悉 如何對模擬器得結果,做出正確的評估,以期對於個人通訊系統的研究有 所幫助。 Personal communication system (PCS) is based upon the notions oftetherless access and networks that support connections between people orbetween people and places, rather than merely supporting connections betweenplaces. A fundamental distinction between the PCS networks and the wirelinenetworks is that the wireless networks support mobility. A portable mayhandover from a base station to another base station during a conversationor roam from a registration area to another registration area. Due tomobility, a PCS system is more difficult to model compared with its wirelesscounterparts. In this research project, we develop a simulation environment for PCSnetworks performance modeling. The simulator configures arbitrary PCS cellstructure. By using input parameters such as user mobility, call holding time,distribution cell residence time distribution, the simulator provides outputmeasures such as new call blocking probability, handoff call forcedtermination probability, and the call completion probability. In this thesis,we use several examples to illustrate the power of the simulation environment.
Appears in Collections:Thesis