DC 欄位語言
dc.contributor.authorWang, An-Lien_US
dc.contributor.authorJenn-Hann Liouen_US
dc.description.abstract現今已存在的3D動畫編輯與播放系統大致上我們可以區分成兩種:一 種是整個系統包含硬體軟體都是根據需求而專門設計的3D動畫編輯與播放 系統,如SILICON GRAPHICS;另一種則是一般通用的3D動畫編輯與播放系 統,換言之,只要一般的PC就可以使用,如3D Studio。而前者雖然可以 快速地得到效果很好的3D動畫.然而由於其整個系統包含硬體軟體都是根 據需求而專門設計,因此整套系統價格十分高昂;而後者雖然也可以得到 不錯的3D動畫,然而卻無法快速的產生畫面;往往一兩分鐘的畫面,需要 一、二小時的處理時間。我們提出一種新的3D動畫編輯與播放系統-“開 放式3D動畫編輯與播放系統”;它不同於上列兩者的地方,在於它是屬於 一般通用的3D動畫編輯與播放系統,即不需要昂貴的硬體配備,只要PC就 可以執行;而卻又不像上列後者,它可以快速地產生效果不錯的3D動畫; 尤其在規劃時,我們希望它以後具有擴充性,因此我們訂定了一些規範, 使得該系統可以加上擴充其功能的“元件”(Component)而成為開放性系 統的架構。 這篇論文主要探討我們架構在“開放式3D動畫與編輯播放 系統”之下的兩個物件:場景編輯器和及3D字型產生元件。 藉由這個 場景編輯器,您可以編輯、修改3D動畫場景;並且經由這個編輯器,您也 可以看到您所編輯出來的3D動畫。3D字型產生元件,可以產生任何True Type Font的3D立體字型,並且輸入至我們的開放式3D動畫編輯播放系統 中,並且它有著許多預先設定好的動作,可以使您的3D動畫有著的更豐富 的變化而且輕鬆達成。 我們將介紹這二件物件的架構設計理念和製作 過程;對於其操作,我們也會有初步的介紹。這些研究經驗將可以提供未 來在這方面有興趣的研究人員,一個更進一步的研究發展參考。 We can roughly divide the 3D animation authoring and playback system into twoparts. One is the whole system, including hardware and software,is designed forspecial request like SLICON GRAPHICS, The other is for general purpose that is you can use it under a family PC, like 3D Studio. The former can get a good performance animation very quickly but for the sake of the whole system is a special design, the price is extremely expensive. The later can get a well animation but it can not refresh the picture as quickly as the former. Frequentlyit takes more than two hours to process pictures in two minutes. So we bring upa new system called "3D Animation Authoring and Playback System with Open Architecture ". The difference between ours and the above two is, it is a commonused system, no expensive hardware equipment required, runs well in PC. And it does not like the later which has a bad performance, it can produce very good 3D animation quickly. Especially when we design this system we hope it is flexible so we set some rules to make it could be added on some extended component to let the system with open architecture. This paper explores mainly two objects in "3D Animation Authoring and PlaybackSystem with Open Architecture", Scene Editor and 3D Font Generator. You can edit, modify 3D animation scene in this editor which is what you seeis what you get. You can create any 3D True Type Font in our 3D Font Generatorand then import into our 3D animation authoring and playback system. There aremany prepared function to make your animation more comprehensive and rich onlyin a snap. We are going to introduce the design concept and implementation of these two objects, besides, the elementary introduction of operation is included. All theseresearch experience is provided as a advanced reference for those fellow who isinteresting in this field.zh_TW
dc.subjectTrue Type Fonten_US
dc.title開放式 3D 動畫編輯與播放系統之-編輯器與3D字型產生元件zh_TW
dc.title3D Animation Authoring and Playback System with Open Architecture-Editor and 3D Font Generator Componenten_US