Title: | 半導體晶圓廠零配件庫存決策模式之研究--以某IDM晶圓廠個案公司為例 The Decision Model for IC Fab Spare Parts Inventory Management-- A Case Study of an IDM IC Fab |
Authors: | 蔣經華 李榮貴 高階主管管理碩士學程 |
Keywords: | 零配件;庫存管理;帳齡管理;備料模式;spare parts;inventory management |
Issue Date: | 2006 |
Abstract: | 零配件庫存管理為晶圓廠成本控制與生產競爭力之核心關鍵之一,零配件庫存管理不當不僅僅造成庫存金額偏高、資金積壓,而因缺料造成瓶頸機台產能的損失更是驚人。在半導體設備零配件成本高、使用率低、種類繁多、採購時間長短不一的情況下,要降低庫存成本又不致因缺料造成產能損失,如何兼顧兩者一直是各晶圓廠的棘手問題。而多年來,半導體晶圓廠零配件管理實務上卻缺乏一套客觀有系統的運作方式。
最後的結論提出供應鏈正確的資訊流才是庫存管理成敗的關鍵。成功的零配件庫存管理需要正確的使用需求資訊,這需要物料管理部門、設備部門與生產管理部門共同以最大產出為績效標準,確認有限的資源必須優先用在整個生產體系的瓶頸上。未來此零配件庫存決策模式在施行上若能配合自動化資訊系統的發展,即可落實為可長可久的執行系統。 In IC manufacturing Fab, the spare parts inventory management plays an important role on operation performance, cost structure, as well as competition strength. The inefficient spare parts inventory management either comes out higher running cost and lower cash flow, or induces huge production loss by the required spare parts shortage. It’s always to be difficult to handle this issue balanced in IC Fab practice. In the previous study on spare parts, it’s normally classified to be just fast moving parts and slow moving parts. There’s no further study to characterize those different application parts in terms of life time, behavior on production tools and connection to the productivity bottleneck. In this case study, the performance index of spare parts inventory management is switched from traditional material control point of view to consolidated Fab overall net productivity result. The balance of reasonable parts inventory cost and minimized production loss is considered. The solid actions to achieve this index are through several effective procedures. They are 1: Monthly review of spare parts inventory idle time and followed by prompt treatment for the slow moving & dead parts. 2: Identify production bottleneck tools and allocate enough spare parts resource to them. Ensure bottleneck tools are protected by right spare parts, and minimize the parts inventory level for non-bottleneck tools. 3: Classify spare parts characteristics and assign proper inventory ways to them. Derive the decision model for go or no-go of safe stock spare parts in IC Fab warehouse. 4: Provide correct information to spare parts vendor to get efficient Supply Chain. Finally, the key success factors for efficient spare parts inventory management are 1: Allocate resources for the bottleneck. 2: Implementation of advanced automation platform with inventoty decision model. 3: Strong execution capability. Based on the developed decision model by the study, after practice performing in this IDM IC Fab, it’s shown the great improvement on spare parts inventory level reduction and the success of productivity ramp up. Contributed by effective spare parts inventory management, the productivity bottleneck can be well protected and the spare parts resource has been utilized much more efficiently than before. |
URI: | http://hdl.handle.net/11536/61824 |
Appears in Collections: | Thesis |