Title: ATM網路上以遲滯及漏失為考量之服務品質控制
Dely-and-Loss-Based QoS Control in ATM Networks
Authors: 賀建銘
Hah, Jen Ming
Maria C. Yuang
Keywords: 非同步傳輸模式;服務品質;遲滯;漏失;通訊允許控制;排序法則;Asynchronous Transfer Mode;Quality of Service;Delay;Loss;Call Admission Control;Scheduling Discipline
Issue Date: 1996
Abstract: 非同步傳輸模式(Asynchronous Transfer Mode - ATM)已經成為在寬
這些媒體各有不同的服務品質(Quality of Service - QoS)要求,因此
(Call Admission Control - CAC)、一是優先權式排序法則(
scheduling discipline)。在第一個方向上,這篇論文首先提出一個類
線性雙類別關聯(Quasi-Linear Dual-class Correlation - QLDC)的估
乘法立刻估算出各個種類媒體的封包遲滯(Cell Delay - CD)和封包漏
失率(Cell Loss Ratio - CLR),這些向量可事先從一個雙類別媒體式
的排隊模式(queueing model)得到。接著這篇論文提出一個類神經網路
置換(Precedence with Partial Push-out - PPP)。當儲列未滿時,
服務模式都具有"儘量努力" (best-effort)的特性,因此這篇論文也以
Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM) has been widely accepted as a
key technology for supporting all conceivable media including
data, voice, and video in Broadband-ISDNs. For transporting such
a diverse mix of traffic sources requiring various Quality of
Services (QoSs), ATM networks are demanded to offer QoS
guarantees for various classes of traffic sources. To fully
utilize network resources while retaining satisfactory QoSs for
each traffic source in ATM networks, this thesis aims at
providing delay-and-loss-based QoS control mechanisms by means
of two approaches: estimation-based Call Admission Control (CAC)
and priority-based scheduling discipline. In the first approach,
the thesis first proposes a CAC algorithm based on a novel
estimation method, called Quasi-Linear Dual-class Correlation
(QLDC). All heterogeneous traffic sources are initially
categorized into various classes. According to the number of
calls in each traffic class, QLDC conservatively and precisely
estimates the Cell Delay (CD) and Cell Loss Ratio (CLR) for each
traffic class in real time via simple vector multiplication.
These vectors are computed in advance from the results of dual
arrival queueing models. The thesis further presents an
efficient neural-network-based CAC (NNCAC) mechanism with
heterogeneous arrivals. Based on the number of calls in each
class, NNCAC efficiently and accurately estimates the CD and CLR
of each class in real time by means of a pre-trained neural
network. Both the two estimation-based CACs yield low time and
space complexity to make call acceptance decisions offering QoS
guarantees. In the second approach, the thesis provides a
versatile scheduling discipline, called Precedence with Partial
Push-out (PPP), in ATM switches supporting two delay and two
loss priorities. By employing a threshold L, the PPP discipline
provides delay guarantee by allowing a newly-arriving high-
delay-priority cell to precede a maximum of L low-delay-priority
cells. Through the use of another threshold R, the discipline
offers loss guarantee by permitting a newly-arriving high-loss-
priority cell to push out the last low-loss-priority cell
located beyond the Rth location in a full queue. By setting L
and R properly, PPP versatilely performs as any one of the four
widely-accepted disciplines, namely the FCFS, head-of-line,
push-out, or head-of-line with push-out disciplines. For
precisely determining L and R retaining demanded QoSs, the
thesis presents an in-depth queueing analysis for the CD and CLR
of high-delay-priority, low-loss-priority cells. The thesis
further proposes a simple, algebra-based analysis for the CD and
CLR of low-delay-priority, high-loss-priority cells. On the
basis of these analyses, L and R can be dynamically and
effectively adjusted to provide adequate delay and loss
guarantees for high-priority cells while incurring only minimal
performance degradation for other classes of cells. Furthermore,
PPP is a best-effort discipline and the ABR service category is
envisioned as a best-effort service. To justify the viability of
the PPP discipline, the thesis then provides a feasible
implementation architecture realizing the PPP discipline for ABR
and VBR service categories in ATM networks.
Appears in Collections:Thesis