Title: 以習訊能觀點解析企業再造工程-以宏□電腦公司為例
An Analysis for Business Reengineering from HIC Perspective-A Case Study on ACER Corporation
Authors: 徐培蓮
Hsu, Pai-Lian
Keywords: 企業再造工程;宏□電腦;Reengieering;Acer
Issue Date: 1996
Abstract: 本研究針對企業再造工程,希望以企業的習性、資訊、能力的觀點來探 討企業再造工程的決策,並以宏□集團為個案研究對象。本研究動機始於 以往企業再造工程注重在流程再造及資訊科技的運用,而當改造範圍涉及 跨組織、跨國度的再造工程時,其改造難度已經遠超越傳統的「流程改造 」。因此本研究認為跨組織企業的再造還應進一步改造組織架構、改造企 業本身的經營理念;換言之,企業的整體策略都應被改造;所以我們以企 業的習性、資訊、能力的觀點作為分析工具,暨求能全面性地分析企業的 策略再造工程。 本研究先提出一套企業再造解析程序作為研究架構,結 合了一般企業再造之程序及習性、資訊、能力三個分析構面,以瞭解企業 再造之前的背景及問題,找出再造動力,透視再造框架,制訂初步策略, 評估替選方案後,在持續修正及檢核的過程中加以探討在再造工程的過程 中,是哪些企業的習性、資訊、能力導致企業再造之所以成功或失敗,又 有哪些企業的習性、資訊、能力在過程中被改造。 在企業習性、資訊、能力的定義上,本研究配合再造工程的需要,參考相 關文獻將「企業習性」分為企業遠景、企業文化、企業價值觀、思考模式 、制度五項;「企業資訊」分為經驗學習和資訊處理兩方面、及「企業能 力」結合了策略性能力及功能性能力兩種觀點。 在宏□的再造工程個案研究上,我們以公開資料為主,深度訪談為輔,主 要針對宏□的三大改造策略(速食店模式、主從架構、全球品牌結合地緣 )作分析,宏□在「習性」上有自主授權的企業文化及制度,以「圍棋理 論」及「微笑曲線」作為思考工具,在「資訊」上,有完整的資訊傳遞體 系,亦能記取過去的成敗經驗,在「能力」上以籌運管理的彈性與模組化 能力、人才及財務運用能力及國際化管理能力為競爭優勢,所以成功地完 成了再造工程的階段目標。 This research reports on an analytical model for Business Reengineering from the perspective of HIC (Habit、Information、 Competence). The reengineering of a multiorganizational and multinational corporation has been proved to be much more complicated and difficult than the general BPR (Business Process Reengineering ) . From this viewpoint , this research suggests that only when the overall strategy of such a corporation is radically reengineered can the goal of reengineering be successfully achieved. An analytical model , combined with the common reengineering procedures and HIC perspective , is proposed in this thesis. The case study on the reengineering of ACER Corporation is conducted to demonstrate the applicability of this analytical model. The more accurate definitions of corporation HIC are classified as below : (1) Habit : corporate vision 、corporate culture 、corporate value 、conceptual model of top managers 、corporate institution . (2) Information : experience learning 、information processing. (3) Competence : strategic competence 、functional competence . The case study is concentrated on ACER's three reengineering strategies (Fastfood business model 、Client-server organizational management structure and "Global brand , Local touch" image-building theme). The final analysis is briefly summarized as follows : (1) ACER Habit : the corporate culture of responsibility and willing to empower、de-centralized organizations . (2) ACER Information : strong motivation to learn the lessons of the past experience and an integrated information flow mechanism. (3) ACER Competence : flexibility and modulability for logistics management 、multinational management ..... To conclude , the overall success of ACER reengineering is contributed by the reengineering of the HIC perspective.
Appears in Collections:Thesis