標題: IPv6現況調查及轉換過程中DNS問題之研究
A Survey of IPv6 Implementation and Experience and A Study of DNS Issues in IPv6 Transition
作者: 趙德卉
Chao, Te-Huei
Chyan Yang
關鍵字: IPv6協定;域名伺服系統;IPv6;DNS
公開日期: 1996
摘要: Internet的普遍及應用程式的多元化,使用者越來越多,每年加倍 的成長,這使得目前廣泛使用的IPv4位址 瀕臨耗盡;專家預估,到2010 年將沒有剩餘的IPv4位址可以分配。面對Internet成長的壓力,新一代IP 協定 應運而生,稱為IPv6。IPv6捨棄IPv4中的負累,加入符合現代需求 的功能,同時IP位址的長度也從32位元擴展到128位元,以滿足未來更多 的需求。 本研究主要目的為: (一)分析IPv6和IPv4的差 異,探討IPv4轉換IPv6過程中可能產生的問題。 (二)調查發展 IPv系統者所實現的功能,及參與6bone者轉換過程的經驗。 (三 )根據可能產生的問題,提出解決方案以作為未來加入者之參考。 透過文獻探討和問卷調查結果分析,IPv4與IPv6在域名-位址對應的關係 上存在差異,因此負責域名-位址對應的域名伺服系統(DNS)必須有所因應 的改變。本研究首先研究在轉換過渡時期,對於同時存在IPv4、位址的環 境狀況,DNS回應位址的策略和處理流程。接下來則針對IPv6位址擁有多 種不同的單點傳播位址型態,在考量不同型態位址的使用限制和以區域性 傳輸為優先的情況下,提出回應不同型態IPv6位址的決策流程。最後討論 兩個DNS辨識不同型態的IPv6位址的方法。 While the Internet is well-known and wide-used, the easy use , friendly interface , and diverse applications of Internet make more and more computer users join the net. The growth of the number of Internet users is rapid. The almost double growth rate every year will soon exhaust the existing IPv4 addresses. Some experts predicted that at year 2010 there will be no available IPv4 addresses leftover. Under the growing pressure of insufficient IP adresses,a new generation IP protocol called IPv6, was born. IPv6 removes some burdens of IPv4 and incorporates new functions. The main purposes of this study are (i) Analyzing the differences between IPv6 and IPv4; (ii) Discussing the issues of the transition from IPv4 to IPv6; (iii) Collecting experiences from IPv6 system developers; (iv) Proposing an alternative to the implementation of DNS. The Domain Name System(DNS), which is responsible for the domain-address mapping, must evolve to handle the problems caused by the different mapping relations of IPv4 and IPv6. This research proposes a solution to the DNS address responses under the circumstance of the co- existence of IPv4 and IPv6.
Appears in Collections:Thesis