標題: RS碼之格狀結構軟式解碼器研究
Soft Decision Decoding of Reed-Solomon Codes Using Trellis Method
作者: 賴鑫欣
Lai, Sing Sing
Wei Che-Ho
關鍵字: 解碼器;格狀結構;RS code;Reed Solomon code;soft decision
公開日期: 1996
摘要: 方塊碼之軟式解碼器可以獲得比硬式解碼器大約2分貝的優勢. 然而事
實上較高的硬 體複雜度使軟式解碼器難於實現. 因此急需設計有簡便計
算方式的次佳結構. 本論文提及一RS碼之格狀結構設計的新方法. 模擬
結果顯示它有次佳的結果, 快速解碼及較低的硬體複雜度.
Soft decision decoding for block codes can achieve about 2dB
coding gainover hard decision decoding methods. However, in
practice, highcomputational complexity makes it difficult to
implement. It is desirableto devise some simplified scheme to
provide suboptimum or near-optimumperformance. In this thesis,
we present a new method for soft desision decoding of Reed-
Solomon codes. Simulations Show that it has near-MLD
performance, and improves the decoding speed and hardware
complexity significant.