標題: 無線室內光通訊之多徑響應與基地台佈置
Multipath Responses and Base Station Placement for Wireless Indoor Optical Communication
作者: 劉銓
Liu, Chuan
Lin David W.
關鍵字: 無線通訊;室內光通訊;多徑響應;基地台;基地台佈置;無線室內光通訊;Wireless Communication;Indoor Optical Communication;Multipath Responses;Base Station;Base Station Placement;Wireless Indoor Optical Communication
公開日期: 1996
摘要: 我們在這篇論文中提出一個用來計算室內、無線、紅外光頻率之傳輸 通道脈衝響應的方法。在這方法中,我們假設這介質是靠散射來傳輸。不 同於一些已公開的研究,這個方法並不限制室內必須是空無一物。它可以 處理不規則的房間、有物體在房內,以及發生遮蔽後的狀況。除此之外, 我們分析計算量並設法減少計算量來加速這模擬器的速度至約十倍,而所 得的結果和不減化時不會相差太多。這個方法把多重散射效應考慮進去, 且可以在許可的時間內對在高速、室內、無線光學傳輸系統內傳輸之信號 作訊號擴散之分析。「其中訊號擴散由於多重路徑所造成。」我們對兩種 不同的傳輸方式作模擬上的分析。由模擬結果得知,用任何一種傳輸方式 ,其通道特性會受發射器、接收器和室內物體之相關位置、方向所影響。 在本論文中,我們也提出一個方法來決定發射器在室內所應放置的位置。 為了減少計算的時間,我們用內插的方法來估計多數接收位置所接收到的 能量。我們呈示若干模擬結果,並對之有所討論。 We present a method for computing the impulse response of a wireless indoor optical channel with Lambertian reflectors. In constrast to some published studies, we do not constrain the room to be empty. This method can handleirregularly shaped rooms, objects, and shadowing effect. Besides, we analyzethe computational complexity and propose methods to reduce the computing timeabout ten times while keeping the simulation results to change only a little. The method, which accounts for multiple reflections of any order, enables the analysis within an allowable time consumption. We providecomputer simulation results for both line-of-sight and diffuse transmissionconfigurations. In both cases, we find that the relationship betweentransmitters, receivers, and objects can influence the channel characteristics. In the thesis, we also study a method to choose thelocations of the base stations. For reducing the computation time, we useinterpolation method to predict the received power at most positions. And wepresent and discuss the simulation results.