標題: 約瑟紛遜RSJ模式之控制混沌電子技術之研究
Electronic techniques of controlling chaos in the Resistively Shunted Josephson junction model by the electronic system
作者: 陳世烽
Chen, Shyh-feng
Gou Yih-shun
關鍵字: 混沌;控制;約瑟紛;Chaos;Control;Controlling chaos;Josephson
公開日期: 1996
摘要: 本論文將依照約瑟芬遜接面RSJ(Resistively ShuntedJosephson Junction)方程式所製成之電子系統,藉由此系統觀察由Feigenbaum致使 混沌區間之動力行為情形,進而找尋適當控制該混沌之有效機制。本文以 實際電子系統模擬RSJ模式之運作,並以OGY (Ott,Grebogi,Yorke)的混沌 控制理論為依據,我們首先發現依工程用之OPF(OccasionalProportional Feedback)反饋控制法可以達到最為簡便制約Feigenbaum混沌的功能。事 實上,最重要吾人採用一維Return Map的分析,替代原先OGY理論所建議 二維Poincare Map較繁雜的方法。至於如何選擇適當之控制參數的技術與 方法等細節,將分別予以詳述。 The electronic techniques of controlling chaos in the Resistively Shunted Josephson Junction model(RSJ model) have been investigated. With regard to Feigenbaum route to chaos, we point out that the OGY (Ott,Grebogi,Yorke) method of controlling chaos can be simplified by OPF(Occasional Proportional Feedback) in accompany with the proper selection of controlling parameters. The periodic solution out of chaos can be easily archived by using one dimensional return map instead of two dimensional Poincare map suggested by OGY. The detailed technology of controlling chaos herein will be reported.