標題: 增量調變語音封包之漏失回覆技術
Missing Packet Recovery Techniques for DM Coded Speech
作者: 周相鵬
Jou, Shiang-Peng
Wen-Whei Chang
關鍵字: 封包漏失;包覆式增量調變;取樣插補;樹狀編碼;M-L搜尋法則;Packet Loss;Embedded DM;Sample Interpolation;Tree Coding;M-L Search Algorithm
公開日期: 1996
摘要: 本文主要是探討在分封式網路中,如何針對封包漏失的問題進行訊號的
回覆與修補,首先 探討一種包覆式編碼(embedded coding)架構,依低階
位元棄置(LSB-dorpping)的原則處 理,但此方法並不適用在具有嚴重封
包漏失的通訊環境中。在奇偶分封的 傳輸模式下,取樣插補是最常見的
回覆架構。它是利用前後相鄰兩點的線性插補值 做為漏失點的近似值。
然而;針對本文所使用的適應性增量調變編碼系統而言,取 樣插補並無
原理,加 強系統在封包漏失的回覆能力。
Packet communication increases the utilization efficiency of
channel capacity by exploiting the bursty nature of voice
traffic. Depending upon the contents of speech packets,
numerous recovery techniques have been proposed to combat the
packet loss due to channel impairments or excessive delay.
Most previous research has emphasized the pissing packet
recovery techniques for PCM and DPCM coded speech. When using a
DM encoder, however, the missing samples in the discarded
packets cannot be reconstructed by zero-amplitude stuffing or
waveform substitution techniques. In this thesis, we show that
the packet loss effects of DM system or using a tree search
interpolation. In this work, we first provide experimental
results for EDM coding of speech sources under packet loss
conditions. For the tree search interpolation, we explore
the benefits of delayed decoding by using an interpolative DM
code generator to form a tree of sample possibilities given the
remaining adjacent samples.