Title: Ku頻帶行動衛星通訊頻率合成器
Ku-Band Frequency Synthesizer for Satellite Communications
Authors: 丁懿芬
Ting, Yih-Fen
Christina F. Jou
Keywords: 電壓控制振盪器;鎖相迴路;頻率合成器;VCO;PLL;frequency synthesizer
Issue Date: 1996
Abstract: 在本計畫中我們提出一13.2 GHz混成積體頻率合成器的設計、製造及測量
件製作迴路濾波器。電壓控制振盪器成品的頻率範圍是在13.168 GHz
到13.216 GHz之間﹐其輸出功率在4dBm左右﹐在離載波頻率100MHz處的相
位雜訊為-69.09 dBc/Hz。整個電路模組面積為5.5*4.1平方公分。這個電
In this project, the design, fabrication, and measurement of a
Ku-band frequency synthesizer for satellite communication is
presented. The frequency synthesizer is fabricated by hybrid-MIC
technique and it consists of three blocks: the VCO, the national
LMX2330 synthesizer, and the loop filter. The VCO frequency
range is from 13.168 GHz to 13.216 GHz. Its output power is
about 4 dBm and its phase noise at 100MHz offset is -69.09 dBc/
Hz. The size of the frequency synthesizer is 5.5 4.1 cm2. The
loop filter is implemented with passive components. A C language
program is used to control the frequency switching. Some of our
frequency synthesizer measurement data are not satisfactory
compared to the specifications, in this report we will discuss
the methods we have used to improve its performance and suggest
some possible solutions.
Appears in Collections:Thesis