Title: 多重耦合微帶線上的洩漏主模態之分析及測量
Analysis and measurement of leaky dominant modes on multiple coupled microstrips
Authors: 徐敏政
Hsu, Min-Cheng
Jen-Tsai Kuo
Keywords: 洩漏波;耦合微帶線;頻域分析法;洩漏主模態;Leaky wave;Coupled lines;Spectral domain approach;Leaky dominant mode
Issue Date: 1996
Abstract: 本文利用全波頻域分析法,並配合適當的積分路徑變換以包含表面波 極點,來分析多重耦合微帶線上的洩漏主模態。此洩漏主模態和原來的主 模態共同存在。它們把能量以 TM0 表面波的形式,洩漏至接地基板上。 此現象可能在較高的頻率,引起微波電路偽造的效能反應。 The leaky dominant modes on multiple coupled microstrips are investigated by the full-wave spectral domain approach (SDA) with appropriate deformation of integration contours to include the surface-wave poles. These modes exist independently of the customary bound dominant mode. They leak power away fromthe lines into the fundamental TM0 surface wave of the surrounding grounded substrate and may be responsible for spurious microstrip circuit performance at higher frequencies.
Appears in Collections:Thesis