Title: 臺灣股票市場風險、規模、淨值╱市價比、成交量週轉率與報酬之關係
The Relationship between Risk, Size, Book-to-market, Turnover and Return in Taiwan Stock Market
Authors: 余招賢
Yu, Chao-Hsien
吳壽山, 巫永森
Sou-Shan Wu, Yung-Sang Wu
Keywords: 系統風險;規模;淨值╱市價比;成交量週轉率;報酬;risk;size;book-to-market;turnover;return
Issue Date: 1996
Abstract: 本研究之主要目的在探討系統風險β、規模、淨值╱市價比與成交量
民國八十五年六月共180個月之股票月報酬資料,採Fama and MacBeth
(1973)之橫斷面迴歸模式進行分析,同時考慮Lo and MacKinlay(1990)
果如下: 1. 系統風險β對台灣股票報酬並無解釋能力。 2. 台灣股票市
場不存在規模效應。 3. 淨值╱市價比對於股票報酬具有正向顯著解釋能
力。 4. 成交量週轉率對股票報酬具有負向顯著解釋能力。 5. 在一月之
The purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of
systematic risk,size, book-to-market equity, and turnover ratio
on stock returns. The sample period covers July 1981 through
June 1996 in Taiwan stock market. Lo andMacKinlay (1990) point
out that the portfolio grouping approach may bias
statistical inferences and spuriously exaggerate the
relationship betweenportfolio excess return and the variables.
For this reason, this study apply the Fama and MacBeth (1973)
procedure to data on individual securities. This study also
examine the robustness for the FM model and explore the
January seasonal in the explanatory power of the variables. The
empirical results are as follows: 1. The systematic risk does
not explain the stock returns. 2. The size effect does not exist
in Taiwan stock market. 3.The book-to-market equityhas
positively significant explanatory power with respect to stock
returns. 4.The turnover ratiohas negatively significant
explanatory power with respect tostock returns. 5. In January
seasonal analysis, the book-to-market equity has significant
explanatory power with respect to stock returns only in January,
and the turnover ratio has significant explanatory power with
respect to stockreturns only in non-January.
Appears in Collections:Thesis