Title: | 衛星轉頻器出租費率因素之探討 A Study on Relationships of Variables in Satellite Transponders Pricing Procedure |
Authors: | 曹木坤 Tsao, Mu-Kung 唐明月 Tarng Ming-Yueh 管理科學系所 |
Keywords: | 衛星;轉頻器;系統動態;Satellite;Transponder;System Dynamics |
Issue Date: | 1996 |
Abstract: | 衛 星 轉 頻 器 出 租 費 率 之 探 討 學 生 : 曹 木 坤 指導教授: 唐 明 月 國 立 交 通 大 學 管 理 科 學 研 究 所 摘 要 衛星轉頻器是一項通信資源,為衛星通信的傳 輸媒介,國 內電信業者剛踏上電信自由化的腳步,為快速建立完 備的電信 網路,許多系統規劃以衛星通信為優先考慮目標,以致 於其需 求與供應,應用與銷售之間形成一市場狀況. 由於衛星市場多項影響因素互動關係複雜,不易單以言語 文字 敘述之,故本研究應用系統動態學之因果關係分析方法, 由市場 行銷,產品供應,客戶需求各層面,以因果關係圖闡明 各影響因 素與價格費率間之互動關係,依類別屬性分項,觀察 回饋環路運 作情形,並以系統動態電腦程式模擬,共獲得以下 結果: 一.衛星轉頻器之市場需求,具有自行調節功能,欲以價格來 提高或壓低需求,效果並不顥著. 二.衛星轉頻器工程建設費 時,供應時間較長,為市場不利因 素,應尋求其他供應策略 ,以掌握商機. 三.衛星轉頻器之費率以建設成本為基礎,估計 使用率,配合 維運費用,營收目標,其他稅負等作為計算原 則較合理. 四.目前中華電信之′中新衛星′費率計算原則尚可 適用於國 內衛星市場寡佔狀況,因應未來國際競爭市場,應 適時適 度調整. A Study on Relationships of Variables in Satellite Transponders Pricing Procedure Student: Mu-Kung Tsao Advisor: Ming-Yueh Tarng Institute of Management Science National Chiao Tung University Abstract Satellite Transponder is one kind of resource. It is a transmission media for satellite communication. Since ma- ny domestic telecommunication providers plan to establish -ed their service networks by using satellite radio links as first selection during this domestic telecommunication corporationize age. Satellite transponder are very hot in the market now. The relationships of variables in satellite telecommu- nication market are very complicate. It is hard to have a clearly explanation in words or dictions. So, we used sys -tem dynamics method to analysis the mutualeffect between market,product,requirment and price of transponders. And descripted their relationships with causal diagram. For more realization, the feedback loops in diagram are simula -ted by computer simulation program.And have some results as below: 1. The Requirment in the transponder market can be adjust -ed itself. It didn't have obvious difference in Price rise or down. 2. Since Supply Time Delay is long. It need some strategi -es to find other product supply sources. 3. The Cost of satellite equiptments is pricipal in pric- ing procedure. It should consist of other variables, mantenence,profitand tax fee etc.,as the elements of pricing priciple. 4. ST-1,the Satellite invested by CHUNGWA TELECOM,has a proper pricing priciple for fitting market condition now. But it must be chang in variable effect for futu- re trend in international market competition. |
URI: | http://hdl.handle.net/11536/62170 |
Appears in Collections: | Thesis |