Title: 工作環境與受訓者人格特質對訊訓練移轉之研究
The Studey of the Influences of the Work Environment and Trainee Characteristics on the Transfer of Training
Authors: 陳遠星
Chen, Yuan-Hsing
陳海鳴, 楊千
Hai-Ming Chen, Chyan Yang
Keywords: 人格特質;訓練轉移;工作環境;Trainee Characteristics;Transfer of Training;Work Environment
Issue Date: 1996
Abstract: 在企業競爭日趨激烈的今日,必需擁有優秀的人力資源,以加強其競
組織發展的目標。 由於受訓者所處的工作環境,會因直屬主管對訓練
訓練所學實際運用到工作上(即訓練移轉)。 本研究以台灣科技公司
受訓人員為研究對象,共有 177位受訓人員幫助本論文的調查。依研究結
出以下結論: 1.訓練課程確實提高受訓者的工作品質。 2.受訓者訓練
後,其對工作的積極態度,不會受工作環境的影響。 3.直屬主管對訓練
者的支持,最能影響受訓者將訓練所學實際運用到工作崗位上。 4.受訓
習訓 練課程的內容,並將訓練中所獲得的新知識及新技術實際運用到
In response to rapidly changing business and the increasingly
competitiveglobal environment, a new set of competencies and
behaviors from employeesis being demanded by companies for a
sustainable competitive edge. Peopleare an organization's most
important asset. Therefore, training activitiesare now firmly
center stage in most organizations in order to enhance
thequality of employees and then increase organizational
effectiveness.Training cannot satisfactorily meet the
organization goals unless the trained skills are successfully
transferred to the job. Elements of the post-training
environment - such as supervisor support,peer support and
organizational factors etc. - can encourage, discourage or
actually prohibit the application of the new skills and
knowledge on thejob. Trainee characteristics of ability,
personality and motivationaleffects can influence the transfer
of skills from training programs to the work situation. In this
study, the influences of the work environment and trainee
characteristics on the transfer of trained skills are examined.
177 trainees from top three in-house training of high-technology
companiesin Taiwan participated in this study. They attended
the training programsin the fourth quarter of 1996.The findings
of this study did confirm that the post-training environmentand
trainee characteristics might affect the transfer of training.
Summary of major findings from this study shows as below:1.
Training programs can improve job performance of employees.2.
Trainee's activeness is not related to post-training
environment.3. Supervisor's support is being one of the most
important factors in facilitating or hindering on-the-job
application of skills learned in the training programs.4.
Trainee's personality, attitudes, interest and perceptions are
more likely influence his motivation to apply newly acquired
skills in the work setting.
Appears in Collections:Thesis