Title: 顧客滿意、服務品質及服務價值相關性之研究
The Study on the Association among Customer Satisfaction、 Service Quality and Service Value--The Case of Cosmetician in Department Store in Taipei Metropolis
Authors: 王婷怡
Wang, Tyng Yi
Quang-Hua Chen
Keywords: 顧客滿意;服務品質;服務價值;Customer Satisfaction;Service Quality;Service Value
Issue Date: 1996
Abstract: 隨著經濟成長、服務業日益蓬勃及消費型態的改變,消費者由以往只重視
滿意、服務品質及服務價值的意涵及相關性。 本研究共分為五個章節,
針對分析結果提出結論與建議。 本研究的研究發現歸納為以下五點:
一、顧客滿意與服務品質呈顯著正相關。 二、顧客滿意與服務價值呈顯
著正相關。 三、服務價值對顧客滿意的影響大於服務品質對顧客滿意的
影響。 四、人口統計變項與消費者認知變項會對服務品質與顧客滿意之
Due to the growth of economics, rapid development of service
market and change of consumption type, customers have shifted
their main concerns about products from quality、performance and
price to satisfaction. This research, aimed at cosmetician in
department store in Taipei metropolis, is to explore the
implication and correlation among customer satisfaction、service
quality and service value. This paper is organized as the
following 5 chapters. Chapter 1 describes the background,
motivation, purpose and range of this research. Chapter 2
explores the three concerned terms:customer satisfaction,
service quality and service value by reviewing relative
literatures. Research method is explained in chapter 3, the
study is aimed at female residents in Taipei city & county, from
which samples were drawn by questionnaire, and the resulting
data were analyzed by statistical approaches including Factor
Analysis, Cluster Analysis, MANOVA and Regressional Analysis.
Chapter 4 reports the results of the analysis. Chapter 5
presents conclusions and recommendations. The findings of this
research can be concluded as follows: 1. A significant positive
correlation was found between service quality and customer
satisfaction. 2. A significant positive correlation was found
between service value and customer satisfaction. 3. Customer
satisfaction is influenced by service value more than by service
quality. 4. Correlation between service quality and customer
satisfaction will be affected by population statistics as well
as customer recognitions.
Appears in Collections:Thesis