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dc.contributor.authorLin, Yi-Pingen_US
dc.contributor.author陳文哲, 陳光華en_US
dc.contributor.authorWen-Cher Chen, Quang-Hua Chenen_US
dc.description.abstract近年來,汽車廣告量年年增高,汽車市場競爭之激烈可想而知;而女 性消費者在汽車市場上之重要程度與日遽增。因此,本研究擬對女性消費 者在汽車消費行為上進行區隔,而後描述各區隔之消費者特徵、汽車屬性 及汽車銷售廣告訴求之偏好、媒體接觸行為等之差異。本研究將汽車的研 究範圍界定為非營利之自用小客車。本研究概分為五章,首章為緒論,主 要係探討研究背景與研究動機、研究目的;第二章為文獻探討;第三章為 研究方法,係以生活型態變數進行市場區隔化,而研究範圍以台北市大學 女學生為對象,資料的收集以問卷的形式進行。第四章為研究結果與資料 分析,在資料的分析上,則利用因素分析法進行構面縮減,並以集群分析 對生活型態變數進行市場區隔,而後以多變量變異數分析、卡方檢定等方 法,檢定各項研究假設。研究結果發現,依據生活型態變數可將汽車女性 消費市場區隔為:活力衝動型、方便導向型、保守型、休閒導向型、價格 導向型、精緻型等六個市場區隔。各區隔在人口統計之年齡、學校、學院 、個人可支用所得、家庭每月平均收入及汽車屬性、汽車銷售廣告訴求之 偏好、每日閱讀報紙時間、閱讀雜誌種類、每日閱讀雜誌時間、收看電視 種類、每日收看電視時間等變數上具有顯著差異。第五章為結論與建議, 係依據分析結果,針對各市場區隔對汽車業者提出行銷建議;並針對女性 消費者之媒體接觸行為上對廣告業者提出建議。 Recently, ad volume in auto industry is growing year after year, and it is nodoubt that intense competition is taking place inside of it, especially in the female auto market. Therefore, this research is intended to segment female con-sumer behavior in automobile industry and then make descriptive statements about differences of each segment in consumer characteristics, car attributes, appeals of selling ads, media contact behavior, etc. Our research defines research clients as private automobile users for nonprofit purpose. We separate our research into 5 chapters. The first one is intorduction. It includesresearch background, motivation, and purposes. The second one is literature review. The third chapter comes to research methods which talk about segmentation on life style variables; the research group is female universitystudents in Taipei; the data collection relies on questionnaire returns. The fourth one is data analysis and analytic results. We exert factor analysis as away to segment markets on life style variables. Finally, MANOVA and chi-squaretest is employed to test hypotheses in our research. The research findingsindicate we can segment female consumer behavior of automobile into 6 categories: energy with impulses, conveniences, conversation, relaxation, and delicacy. There are significant statistical differences in demographics which contains age, school name, college name, disposable income, average monthly andfamily income; also in car attributes, car selling advertising appeals, kinds of TV programs, daily time for reading newspapers, magazines and watching TV. The last chapter includes conclusions and suggestions. marketing strategies havebeen made to manufactures in each auto segment and to advertisers who care aboutfemale media contact behavior.zh_TW
dc.subjectAdvertising Appealen_US
dc.subjectMarket Segmentationen_US
dc.titleThe Research on Preferences for Automobile Attributes & Selling Advertising Appeal of Segments on Female Life Styles in Taipei - Take University Students for an Exampleen_US
Appears in Collections:Thesis