Title: 類神經網路在銀行授信風險之應用
The Application of Artificial Neural Network in Bank Credit Risk
Authors: 張瑜真
Chang, Yu-Chen
Yung-Sun Wu
Keywords: 類神經網路;銀行授信;倒傳遞網路;財務比率;區別分析;Artificial Neural Network;Bank Credit;Back-Propagation Network;Financial ratio;Discriminant analysis;Logistic analysis
Issue Date: 1996
Abstract: 自政府開放新銀行設立後,從此銀行界進入激烈競爭的時代。銀行槓
區別分析及 logistic 分析來預測銀行的授信風險,但是使用線性方程式
並不能有效解決分類問題。因此本研究的目的為( 1 )運用原始及經產
( 2 )建構一最適類神經網路模式並與區別分析與logistic 分析就
分類及預測能力進行比較。 研究
樣本包含 1992 至 1995 年的 159 家違約企業, 依其產業別及資本額配
對 159 家正常企業。樣本分割為兩部份,訓練樣本含 232 家企業,測試
樣本包括 86 家企業。選用 23 個財務比率做為輸入變數,分別以統計及
網路的分類及預測正確率分別是 95.45% 及 81.75%;兩層類神經網路是
86.67%、77.55%,logistic 分析是 84.76%、 76.03%,區別分析是
The government has relaxed the restriction about the
establishmentof new banks since 1992. There is a heated
competition among thebanking. Then the banking can't use
leverage as ever, and both therevenues of interest and the
profits are decline. Most banks startincreasing the loan
business, they may neglect the quality of loan. Inaddition, the
debtors are involved with recession, then they may facecash
insolvency and cash inadequacy. So the environment of
bankoperation become more uncertain and risk y. The past
researches usetraditional statistic methods like
multiple discriminateanalysis(MDA), logistic analysis to
predict the risk of bank credit.But using specific function can'
t solve classification problems verywell. The purposes of
the thesis are: (1)to use original andindustry-relative
financial ratios to develop a cross industry modelfor measuring
the debt violation risk; (2) to make a proper artificialneural
network model to compare with MDA and logistic analysis
aboutthe classified and p redictive ability.
The sample of firms consisted of a total 318 firms, 159 of
whichwent debt violation from 1992 to 1995 and 159 nonviol-
ative frimsmatched on industry and capital. This sample was
divided into- twogroups. The first subsameple of 232 firms
data was used as thetraining set. The second subsameple
consisted of 86 firms and was usedas the predictive set. The
twenty-three financial ratios were selectedas input variables.
Statistic and neural network methods are used tobuild model. We
can compare the performanc es of term. The
results of this research reveal the neural network
performedbetter on both the correct classification and
prediction, andindustry- relative ratios might be applicable
to building a crossindustry model. The correct
classification and prediction ofthree-layers neural
network are separately 95.45% and 81.75%; oftwo-layers
neural network are 86.67% and 77.55%; of logistic analysisare
84.76% and 76.03%; of MDA are 82.76% and 72.33%.
Appears in Collections:Thesis