Title: 聚丙烯與聚對苯二甲酸丁酯反應增容聚摻之研究
Reactive Compatibilization of PP/PBT Blends
Authors: 廖宗能
Liao,Tzong Neng
Feng,Chih Chang
Keywords: 聚丙烯;聚對苯二甲酸丁酯;環氧樹脂;PP;PBT;Epoxy
Issue Date: 1996
Abstract: 聚丙烯( Polypropylene, PP ) 與聚對苯二甲酸丁酯( Poly-(Butylene Terephthalate),PBT)兩者皆為結晶性材料,如果將PP與PBT直接摻混時並不能得到很好的性質。為了增加此摻合系統的相容性,採用一反應型共聚合物( PP-g-MA)與環氧樹脂之混合物當做此摻合系統的反應型相容劑。接枝少量MA的PP與PP能互溶,但其MA 官能基與PBT就不易產生鍵結反應。因此,添加少量多官能基環氧樹脂可當做PP-MA和PBT間的偶合劑,並在PP與PBT的界面形成PP-Epoxy-PBT共聚物, 減低兩相的界面張力即增加兩相的界面黏著力,使摻合物的加工性和機械性質獲得改善。 利用此綜合性增容劑可解決某些不易增容的高分子材料。同時,所使用的原料皆為一般泛用塑膠或容易取得的環氧樹脂,如果在實驗上證明其結果的確能大幅增容,則成品可能有相當的商業價值。本實驗利用反應型增容劑對PP與PBT以反應押出方式進行摻合研研究,研究內容將包括不同組成、加工條件下對摻合物形態學、流變性質、熱性質及機械性質之影響。
Crystalline polymers, polypropylene (PP) and poly-(butylene terephthalate) (PBT), are immiscible and imcompatible. In order to improve the compatibilityof the blend system, a mixture of the reactive compatibilizer. The reactivecopolymer containing small mount of MA is miscible with PP but the reactivefunctional group(MA) is unable to react with PBT. Addition of small amount of epoxy resin with multiple functionality is able to react with PP-MA and PBT simultaneously as a coupling agent. The in situ-formed PP-Epoxy-PBT copolymer can reduce the interfacial tension and enhance interphase adhesion of the PP/PBT blends. Thus, the mechanical properties of such a blend can be improved.Applications of such a combined reactive compatibilizer is able to solve the compatibilization problems of certain blends which are difficult to be compa-tibilized. Additionally, the polymers and epoxy resin employed can be easilyobtained. If this new concept proves to be feasible to significantly improvethe compatibility, the resulted products may have substantially commercial value.This project will study the reactive compatibilizer through extruder byvarying the composition, and their effect on the product crystallization behavior, thermal, morphological, rheological and mechanical properties.
Appears in Collections:Thesis