Title: 視覺衝擊影響評估中電腦模擬應用與評估設計程序的初探---以新竹市東門城廣場傳統空間規劃案為例
A study on computer simulation and evaluation of design process in visual impact analysis and assessment
Authors: 白瑞源
Pai, Jui-Yuan
Yu-Tung Liu
Keywords: 視覺衝擊影響評估;電腦模擬;視覺衝擊影響評估設計程序;電腦輔助建築設計;視覺評估設計因子;visual impact analysis and assessment;computer simulation;design process of visual impact analysis and assessment;computer-aided architecture design;design factors
Issue Date: 1996
Abstract: 透過都市空間視覺衝擊影響評估的相關研究,我們認為在計劃案未定案前 的設計過程中,應預先考量設計案對都市環境所造成的視覺衝擊。因此, 本研究有兩個主要目的:第一,就是電腦模擬工具應用介入視覺影響評估 後,新「視覺衝擊影響評估設計程序」的建立。第二,便是CAD應用在新 設計程序中的扮演角色、應用時機與相關技術的問題探討。研究方法主要 是透過文獻回顧與分析(analytical review)與實驗室的實驗案例操作 ,初步擬定出電腦模擬工具介入後的新「視覺衝擊影響評估設計程序」, 以及電腦工具適用時機與相關技術等問題,最後再透過實際案例*「新竹 市東門城廣場傳統空間規劃案」的實際推動,來做驗證與修正。研究步驟 上,首先針對專業者與非專業者(一般民眾)對電腦模擬工具進行效益評 估,目的在初步了解電腦模擬工具與傳統模擬工具的差異性,以及電腦模 擬工具的優劣性,並做為應用於實驗室案例的操作依據,以便建立初步的 新「視覺衝擊影響評估設計程序」。同時,針對電腦模擬工具的應用技術 與時機,亦做初步的探討。此外,將透過Rahman的評估方法,進行設計案 的視覺衝擊影響評估,其中,並提出適用電腦模擬的評估設計因子,做為 視覺衝擊評估的評估考量。最後,則在實際案例—「新竹市東門城廣場傳 統空間規劃案」的推動過程中,一一檢證與修正新設計程序的可關於都市 空間的視覺衝擊影響評估研究中,我們提供了一個初步應用電腦模擬工具 介入後的實用性的新「視覺衝擊影響評估設計程序」,同時也針對CAD技 術應用層次上的相關問題,提出初步的建議與探討。相信在針對設計案對 都市環境所造成的視覺衝擊影響議題上,能有初步的基礎研究結果。此外 ,CAD技術應用的初步結論與建議,或許可做為電腦輔助建築設計(CAAD )在技術應用上的基礎研究結果。關鍵字:視覺衝擊影響評估、視覺評估 設計因子、電腦模擬、電腦輔助建築設計、新視覺衝擊影響評估設計程序 According to those researches concerning urban space visual impact analysis and assessment(VIAA), we believe we should first evaluate the visual impact of the design project on the urban environment before any design project is ever settled down. Therefore, this thesis has two main goals to achieve: The first is the development of a new design process of the visual impact analysis and assessment with the application of computer simulation tools. The second is to discuss the role, the timing of the application of CAD in the design process.Through the literature and analytical reviews, as well as the experiment case practice in the laboratory, I developed a new design process of the visual impact analysis and assessment(VIAA) with the application of computer simulation tools, and the application timing of computer aided tools and the relevant techniques. finally, I tested the validity of this thesis by the practice of the case of the traditional urban space programming of the East Hall Square of Hisn-Chu, and then refined it.In the research methods, I evaluated the validity of the computer simulation tools to experts and non-experts in the first place. My intention was to understand the differences between computer and traditional simulation tools and the advantages/ disadvantages of the computer simulation tools; then I applied them in the experiment operation to develop a new design process of the visual impact analysis and assessment(VIAA). At the same time, I also discussed the techniques and timing of the application of the computer simulation. In addition, I made an assessment on the viI proposed a new design process of the visual impact analysis and assessment(VIAA) of the beginning level with the aide of the application of computer simulation tools, as well as suggestions and discussions regarding the application of CAD application technique. I think the findings will contribute to the research of the visual impact analysis and assessment as a base of the study. Besides, the suggestions and discussed posed in this paper may be a fundamental findings of the application techniques of the computer-aided architecture design(CAAD).Keywords:visual impact analysis and assessment( VIAA)、design factors of visual evaluation、computer-aided architecture design(CAAD)、new design process of the visual impact analysis and assessmen。
Appears in Collections:Thesis