標題: 新造形主義時期的蒙德里安神經網絡系統__設計中創作過程的模擬與連結運算
Neural Network Systems of Neo-Plasticism for Mondrian---A simulation of Working Process and Connection Computation in Design
作者: 李家和
Lee, Jiaher
Yu-Tung Liu
關鍵字: 神經網絡;新造型主義;位元圖;節點;直線總值;neural network;Neo-Plasticism;bitmap;nodes;STV
公開日期: 1996
摘要: 人工智慧是否能夠從事人類的設計行為?人類的設計行為至為複雜,其背 後之設計思想的複雜度更是不徨多讓,而此兩者的相關討論目前仍未有定 數,因此本研究所探討之設計行為為一般性、普遍性之設計行為表現。在 此以新造型主義時期蒙德里安的作品為例、神經網絡系統為工具,作為整 篇論文之運作基礎,希望透過神經網絡的運算來模擬人類在記憶、聯想、 辨識等相關的設計思考能力,並從中檢討人、機之間的差異。此外,希望 能藉此探求神經網絡系統的相關特質。在設計領域中,目前已有相關的論 述探討系統內在變因( 隱藏層數目、學習速率的設定、節點數等 )的特質 Can artificial intelligence be used for design behavior of human beings? Human designer*s behavior and design thinking are extremely complicated. There is still argument about the relationship between the two until now. Therefore, this research only investigates regular and common design behavior. This essay is taking Mondrian of Neo-Plasticism as an example and neural network systems as a tool to illustrate the core idea. It is hoped that we can simulate the design thinking ability, such as memory associat