標題: 余璧芬鋼琴演奏會輔助文件
Bi-Fen, Yu Piano Recital with Supporting Paper
作者: 余璧芬
Yu, Bi-Fen
蔣茉莉, 辛幸純
Moli Chiang, Hsing-Chun Hsin
關鍵字: 巴哈 A小調幻想曲與賦格 作品904;孟德爾頌 六首無言歌;海頓降E大調小奏鳴曲 作品第四十九號;浦朗克 以巴哈BACH為主題音而作的即興圓舞曲、六首小品、為鋼琴與長笛而作的奏鳴曲;Fantacy and Fuga in A minor BWV904 –J.S.BACH;Song Without Word –Mendelssohn Bartholdy;Sonata in E flat Major Hob.XVI49 –Joseph Haydn;Valse-Improvisation Subject Note in BACH Six Pieces for Piano Six Pieces for Piano
公開日期: 1996
摘要: 余璧芬鋼琴演奏會輔助文件巴哈 A小調幻想曲與賦格 作品904孟德爾頌 六首無言歌海頓降E大調小奏鳴曲 作品第四十九號 Hob.XVI:49浦朗克 以 巴哈BACH為主題音而作的即興圓舞曲、六首小品、為鋼琴與長笛而作的奏 鳴曲 A Thesis(Present in the Format of Recital and its Supporting Paper)Submitted to Institute of Applied Arts National Chiao Tung Universityin partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of Master of Arts in MusicBi-Fen, Yu Piano Recital with Supporting PaperFantacy and Fuga in A minor BWV904 –J.S. BACHSong Without Word –Mendelssohn BartholdySonata in E flat Major Hob.XVI49 –Joseph HaydnValse-Improvisation Subject Note in BACH Six Pieces for PianoSonata for Piano and Flute–Francis Poulenc