Title: 應用田口方法於數位影像掃描器齒輪傳動的異音及影像對位問題之研究
Apply Taguchi methods to the digital scanner transmitting noises and imaging position problems
Authors: 林振豐
Cheng-Feng Lin
Chao-Ton Su
Keywords: 田口方法;參數設計;齒輪異音;Taguchi Methods;Parameter Design;Gear noise
Issue Date: 2003
Abstract: 隨著數位化的腳步,帶動了辦公室數位化的需求,舉凡文件掃描工作站系列、數位影印系列以及多功能事務機(即e-mail、Fax、Scan、Copy四機一體)之辦公室設備等,皆屬其中一環,因而對影像品質及光學解析度的要求,也愈趨嚴格及高階。目前最高階的掃描器,已可達5760dpi,為確保光學產品品質的穩定性,除成品在製造及測試過程需嚴加管控外,關鍵零組件品質之良窳,更是攸關整體數位化影像品質的優劣。
The popularity of digital document has rapidly increased the demand of e-office equipment. One of the most popular equipment is the MFP which combines e-mail, scan, fax, and copy capabilities into one single unit. The severe competition has also quested for higher optical resolution and better image result. So far, the highest resolution of the MFP has reached to 5760 dpi (dots per inch). To ensure the reliability of these optical products, apart from strictly monitoring the manufacturing and testing process, the quality of the key components plays even a more important factor to reproduce a higher image quality.
The purpose of the research is to apply the Taguchi method to the gears of the scanning unit of these MFP to solve the noise and image position problem in order to improve the production yield, reduce the material cost, maintenance fee, and reduce customer complaints. According to the experiment, the company which applies the Taguchi method with optimum parameters and design reproduces a better image quality and save much more time in experiment and cost in compared with the traditional a-factor method. Hopefully, the Taguchi method which is more effective and cost-efficient can be a useful reference for other enterprises.
Appears in Collections:Thesis