Title: 電動變速器之設計
Design of an Electronic Derailleur System
Authors: 劉慶文
Liu, Chung-Wern
Tseng, Ching-Huan
Keywords: 變速器
Issue Date: 1996
Abstract: 自行車之電動變速系統是利用一電路來驅動及控制換檔機構。目前,由於電子工業 發展相當迅速,因此整合機電的技術,將有助於克服現行機械式變速器的發展瓶頸。目 前市場上已有數種商品化之電動變速器。本文藉由機械設計的方法,設計一新型電動變 速器以滿足目前市場需求。由於,電動變速器之性能優劣主要受其機械特性所影響。因 此,在設計過程中主要以機械設計部分為主體。最後則依據設計結果,完成新設計之原 型機構的製造,並加以測試。
The electronic derailleur system of a bicycle is to control and drive a gear-shifting mechanism by an electronic control system. Nowadays, electronic technique is well developed, and it can be used as a new tool to improve the performance of the derailleur. Several electronic derailleurs are commercialized in the market. This study is to design an electronic derailleur system based on a mechanical design methodology. Because the performance of the derailleur is mainly effected by the mechanical part, the design will be focused on the field of mechanical engineering. Finally, a prototype based on customers' requirements is manufactured and tested.
Appears in Collections:Thesis