標題: 利用毛細管電泳分析四環黴素類抗生素與β-內醯胺抗生素
Analysis of Tetracyclines and β-lactam- Antibiotics by Capillary Eletrophoresis
作者: 陳信揚
Chen, Hsin-Yang
Hsieh, You-Zung
關鍵字: 毛細管;四環黴素類抗生素
公開日期: 1996
摘要: 毛細管電泳是利用分析物在外加電場作用下,產生移動速度的不同而達到分離目的。此方法具有分離效率高、分析時間短、注入樣品少、及容易自動化等優點。近年來,由於人類過度濫用抗生素,而使微生物產生了抗藥性,因此各國開始重視這個問題。本篇論文是利用毛細管電泳分析四環黴素類抗生素與β–內醯胺抗生素。 本實驗在緩衝溶液中添加EDTA和1,3-diaminopropane可將七種四環黴素類抗生素在十五分鐘內完全被分離,並探討EDTA和1,3-diaminopropane對分離的影響。最後並將最佳分離條件應用在分析牛奶樣品上。 美國食品藥物管理局(U.S. Food and Drug Administration)規定六種β-內醯胺抗生素包括amoxicillin, ampicillin, ceftiofur,cephapirin, cloxacillin,和penicillin於食物中的殘留量。而penicillin用於動物與人體醫療上有penicillin G和penicillin V兩種。本實驗是利用微胞電動力層析(micellar electrokinetic chromatography)的方法分析上述七種β-內醯胺抗生素,並探討緩衝溶液的pH值與界面活性劑的濃度對分析物選擇性與淨移動率的影響,最後並將最佳分離條件應用在分析藥品中抗生素的含量。
Capillary electrophoresis is one of important separation technique based on different migration velocities of analytes when a potential is applied. This method has many advantages including high separation efficiency, short analysis time, low consumption of sample, and easy automation. In recent years, the widespread use of antibiotics has resulted led to the emergence of antibiotic-resistant organisms. For this reason, some countries have emphasized on the misusing of antibiotics. Capillary electrophoresis was applied to separate two kinds of antibiotics in this paper. One is tetracyclines, another is β-lactam antibiotics. Seven TCs were completely separated from each other. Also, the effect of adding EDTA and 1,3-Diaminopropane was discussed. The optimum separation condition then was applied to analyze milk. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (PDA) set "safe levels" for β-lactam antibiotics, including amoxicillin, ampicillin, ceftiofur, cephapirin, cloxacillin, and penicillin. In commercially, penicillin has two forms: penicillin G and penicillin V. In this study, micellar electrokinetic chromatography (MEKC) was developed for determining above seven β-lactam antibiotics. The effect of concentration of surfactant and buffer pH value on the retention behavior and selectivity would be discussed. The optimum separation condition then was applied to analyze animal medicine.