Title: 聚碳酸樹脂之抗光氧老化與抗熱氧老化研究
Study on the Stabilization of Polycarbonate Against Photo-oxidation and Thermo-oxidation
Authors: 郭啟邦
Kuo, Chi-Pang
Lin, Mu-Shih
Keywords: 聚碳酸樹脂;抗光氧老化
Issue Date: 1996
Abstract: 本研究主要分為兩個部份:(1) Bisphenol-A Polycarbonate(PC)光氧老化的安定。(2) Bisphenol-A Polycarbonate(PC)熱氧老化的安定。首先合成出Poly(p-methylphenylacrylate)(PMPA)及Resole,先以DSC來測試PMPA、Poly(methyl methacrylate)(PMMA)、Resole和PC的相容性,以FT-IR測官能基吸收峰的位移,來判斷PC與PMPA、PMMA、Resole間是否有分子間作用力。冉將PC/PMPA、PC/PMMA、PC/PMPA/Resole及PC/PMMA/Resole混摻後鑄膜,以FT-IR相減圖來探討其照UV光後斷鍵及老化的情形,以比較具光氧老化之安定效果。另外將PC與Resole以不同比例混摻後鑄膜,以FT-IR相減圖來分析Resole對PC熱氧老化之安定的效果。
This research deals with stabilization of bisphenol-A polycarbonate (PC) against photo-oxidation and thermal-oxidation. The photostabilizers used in this study were poly(p-methylphenyl acrylate)(PMPA) and poly(methyl methacrylate)(PMMA), while the hindered phenol type resin, resole, was used for the antioxidant for PC. Compatibility and intermolecular attraction in systems such as PC/PMPA, PC/PMMA, PC/Resole were investigated with DSC and FT-IR. Photo-oxidation studies were carried out in Q-UV aging accelerator, with ultraviolet range around 280-315nm. Decreases in Vc=o and VG-O-C were used as the criteria for both photo-oxidation and thermo-oxidation of PC.
Experimental results revealed that partial compatibility for PC/PMPA and complete compatibility for PC/PMMA and PC/Resole were found, which were evidenced from inner shifts for Tg's and IR bands(Vc=o and VOH). Experimental result also indicated that addition of PMPA and/or PMMA to PC improved the photo-oxidation of PC, and addition of Resole to PC enhanced its thermo-oxidation. While the photostabilization for blends of PC/PMPA/Resole (100/5/5) and PC/PMMA/Resole (100/5/5) were better than blends of PC/PMPA and PC/PMMA.
Appears in Collections:Thesis