標題: Testing quasi-independence for truncation data
作者: Emura, Takeshi
Wang, Weijing
National Chiao Tung University
關鍵字: Conditional likelihood;Kendall's tau;Mantel-Haenszel test;Power;Right-censoring;Survival data;Two-by-two table
公開日期: 1-一月-2010
摘要: Quasi-independence is a common assumption for analyzing truncated data. To verify this condition, we propose a class of weighted log-rank type statistics that include existing tests proposed by Tsai (1990) and Martin and Betensky (2005) as special cases. To choose an appropriate weight function that may lead to a more power test, we derive a score test when the dependence Structure under the alternative hypothesis is modeled via the odds ratio function proposed by Chaieb, Rivest and Abdous (2006). Asymptotic properties of the proposed tests are established based oil the functional delta method which can handle more general Situations than results based oil rank-statistics or U-statistics. Extension of the proposed methodology under two different censoring settings is also discussed. Simulations are performed to examine finite-sample performances of the proposed method and its competitors. Two datasets are analyzed for illustrative purposes. (C) 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
URI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jmva.2009.07.006
ISSN: 0047-259X
DOI: 10.1016/j.jmva.2009.07.006
Volume: 101
Issue: 1
起始頁: 223
結束頁: 239


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