標題: 運用GPS水準測量以基線向量乘積運算法求算垂線偏差之研究
A Study on the Determination of Deflections of the Vertical by using Baseline Vector Cross Product of GPS / Levelling Method
作者: 陳昱至
Chen, Yu-Chih
Chun-Sung Chen
關鍵字: 垂線偏差;乘積運算;Vertical Deflections;Cross Product Operator
公開日期: 1997
摘要: 在大地測量領域中,垂線偏差一直扮演著重要的角色,其不僅用於大地測 量學、地球物理學 和地質學的研究,也用於軍事上的導彈發射行動。而求算垂線偏差的方法 並不單只一種,不 論是天文-大地測量法、重力測量法或是利用GPS衛星定位技術,皆可根據 不同之觀測量形式 ,達到求算出垂線偏差量的目的。本文今採以GPS-水準測量法對二試驗區 作實測,並使用基 線向量乘積運算法,再輔以觀測方程式依最小二乘法來計算垂線偏差。在 定量的分析上,依 其測區位置、測區面積大小等個別案例,再配合其個別的垂線偏差分量、 垂線向量圖以及觀 測量改正數的成果與圖示,可以充分地顯示出在不同的施測環境與條件下 ,其對垂線偏差所 造成的影響。 The determination of vertical deflections is one of the prime goals of geodesy .It is necessary to know the deflections of vertical with respect to the trans formation of relationship between astronomic coordinate system and geodetic co ordinate system, the precise reduction of the angular and distance measurement s from the terrain surface onto the ellipsoid, determination of the shape of t he geoid and geoid undulation difference. According to different from of measu rements, the deflections of vertical can be determined by some methods such as astro-geodetic method, gravimetric method and GPS levelling method.In this st udy, using GPS and levelling method with cross product operator of thebaseline vector and least-square method to determine the result of surveying fortwo te st-areas. In quantitative analysis, the result shows that various conditions a nd surroundings influence on the product of the deflections of the vertical.