Title: 高運量捷運淡水線線上緊急維修作業改善之研究
A Study on Improving Emergence Maintenance Activity of Tamshui Mass Rapid Transit Line.
Authors: 胡凱 程
Hu, Kai-Cheng
陳 椿 亮
Chun-Liang Chen
Keywords: 故障樹分析法;Fault Tree Analysis
Issue Date: 1997
Abstract: 高運量淡水線自去年營運通車以來各子系統仍處於未穩定的 時期,致 使故障狀況發生次數偏高影響列車服務水準。因此本研究目的 便是研擬新 新的善方案以因應目前故障狀況偏高的過渡時期。 本研究首先以故障樹分析法(Fault Tree Analysis)來剖析電聯車、 號誌和通訊三個子系統故障發生的來源,然後檢討目前淡水線線上緊急維 修作業並提出改善方案,最後以單線運轉與迴送機廠區分模式來評估改善 前後的差異。 本研究結果顯示電聯車、號誌和通訊三個子系統實 際發生平均故障間 隔時間(Mean Time Between Failure)大於合約規 定的設計值。此一現象 透過單線運轉與迴送機廠區分模式評估證明,發 現本文所提出改善方法, 將可比原來作業方式減少一半故障列車迴送機 廠,且繼續留於主線營運維 持列車服務水準。 Due to the unstability of operating system , there are usually accidents happened in Tamshui MRT line . This situation indeed reduces the train services. The purpose of this study is to propose new programs to improve the situation of occasional accidents . In this study , three subsystems , trains , signal , and communication , are analyzed by fault tree analysis . The emergence maintenance activity on line is also investigated . Therefore , the improvement program are proposed . Finally , the signal operating and back depot distinguishing model is established to evaluate the difference before and after the implementation of the proposed programs . The results show the occurring MTBF(Mean Time Between Failure) of the three subsystem is greater than the design MTBF . The signal operating and back depot destinguishing model proves that the proposed programs can make50% reduction of the fault train numbers to return depot . There fault trains can continue running on line .
Appears in Collections:Thesis