Title: 易肇事路段與路口改善績效評估與指標之建立-以臺南市為例-
Establishment of Evaluation Methods and Indicators for Improvement of Accident-Prone Road Segments and Intersections-A Case Study of City of Tainan-
Authors: 吳銘山
Wu, Ming-san
Wu-cheng Chen
Keywords: 易肇事;績效評估;指標;accident-prone;evaluation;indicator
Issue Date: 1997
Abstract: 台灣地區各級道路交通管理單位對所轄道路之交通事故都隨時或定期檢討
、學術界的專家進行訪談與問卷調查後,建立改善項目的權重, 並據以建
進行特徵向量計算得到相對權重極其排序為:(1) 降低平均每件肇事的嚴
Each year thousands of people are killed or injured in the
traffic accidents in Taiwan. Highway safety and related
authorities in Taiwan have been working hard to improve the
highway safety through various programs. One particular program,
"Project of Accident-Prone Locations Improvement in Taiwan
Area", conducted annually by Ministry of Transportation and
Communications focuses on road segments and/or intersections
with occurrence of fatal accidents or frequent injured
accidents. Under this program, traffic engineers and traffic
safety experts are sent out to the field to examine the accident
characteristics and also identify the problems resulting in the
accidents. Then, a great amount of money are usually spent to
mitigate the problems. However, there has been no systematic
method to evaluate the effectiveness of this Project. As a
result, it is difficult to learn the feedback form previous
improvement. Therefore, the objective of this study is to
develop a systematic evaluation procedure and method for highway
safety authorities to evaluate the effectiveness of this
Project.In this study, pre-improvement and post-improvement
accident data of City of Tainan were collected for empirical
analysis. Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) was adopted to
identify critical evaluation indicators. Experts from industrial
sectors, administrative sectors, and academic sectors were
interviewed and surveyed using questionnaires. A model for
evaluating the effectiveness of improvement was developed. Seven
evaluation indicators were also identified. The relative weight
of seven indicators can be quantitatively determined through
questionnaires. These seven indicators are shown in order as
follows: (1) reduce the severity of accident; (2) reduce
accident rate; (3) reduce the total number of accidents; (4)
reduce the duration of traffic congestion due to accidents; (5)
negative impact of improvement on traffic; (6) direct improvemt
costs; and (7) complexity of adminstaive/management coordination
of improvement.
Appears in Collections:Thesis