標題: 百貨公司毗鄰地區停車狀況之研究
The Study of the Parking Condition in the Neighboring Area of Department Stores
作者: 李彥珍
Lee, Yen-chen
Cheng-min Feng
關鍵字: 百貨公司;停車;department stores;parking
公開日期: 1997
摘要: 都會區中有許多大型的旅次吸引點,這些地方常是人潮聚集的地方,而這 些大型的旅次吸引點所產生的停車量會影響其毗鄰地區之停車狀況,百貨 公司就是其中一類。百貨公司帶來的旅次伴隨產生的停車量,無異是對當 地的生活環境及交通環境都會有極大的衝擊與影響,因此本研究試圖建立 一可預測出百貨公司毗鄰地區停車量的估計模式。本研究針對百貨公司毗 鄰地區的停車狀況加以探討,瞭解影響百貨公司毗鄰地區停車量的因素, 並建立百貨公司毗鄰地區停車量估計模式,模式校估後得到影響百貨公司 毗鄰地區停車量的變數為百貨公司附近地區大眾運輸系統便利性、百貨公 司規模、百貨公司附近地區停車便利性及百貨公司毗鄰地區總土地使用強 度。最後並可將所得的百貨公司毗鄰地區停車量估計模式應用於改善現有 百貨公司毗鄰地區停車環境、分析現有百貨公司毗鄰地區有新的開發行為 對停車狀況之衝擊並研擬改善策略及分析新設百貨公司對毗鄰地區停車環 境之衝擊並研擬改善策略這三種情況。 In urban area, there are many large trip attractive points in which lots of people convene and the parking demand which influence the parking condition in the neighboring area generate. The department store is one kind of large trip attractive points. Department stores generally generate a great number of parking which impacts on local life environment and traffic environment. Therefore, this study is to establish a model to predict the number of parking in the neighboring area of department store. This study explores the parking condition in the neighboring area of department store, and explores what factors affect the number of parking in the neighboring area of department store, and establish the calculating model of the number of parking in the neighboring area of department store. The results conclude that the factors which affect the number of parking in the adjacent area of department store are the accessibility of public transport, the scale of department store, the convenience of the parking in adjacent area of department store, and the intensity of land use in the neighboring area of department store. This model can be applied in three conditions: to improve the parking environment in the neighboring area of proposed department store, to analyse the parking condition in the neighboring area of department store where there are new development in the neighboring area and plan the improve stratagems, to analyse the impact of parking environment in the neighboring area of new department store and plan the improve stratagems.