DC 欄位語言
dc.contributor.authorChiang, Hui-Yien_US
dc.contributor.authorChaug-Ing Hsuen_US
dc.description.abstract本研究主要目的在結合網路購物之企業運銷供給與消費者需求面,探討 企業於企業目標與消費者需求考量下之最適配送策略。本研究首先從需求 的角度,分析影響網路購物消費者需求之量化與質化因素,構建消費者購 物方案選擇模式,考量之量化變數包括價格、取貨時間等因素,並建立購 物經驗指標與時間預算彈性等兩項指標變數。進一步本研究以解析性方法 ,構建企業在直接運送配送方式下之網路購物配銷相關運銷成本,並於最 小化平均運銷成本、最大化銷售量與最大化利潤等企業目標下,構建供需 互動之數學規劃模式,探討消費者需求與企業運銷供給之互動關係,並以 一實例闡述本模式之應用,俾提供網路購物商家於網路購物商品配銷之配 送策略考量,本研究並針對需求函數參數與企業運銷投入中數個重要參數 進行敏感度分析。另外,由於消費者需求在空間上並非為均勻分布之型態 ,且其居住區位距配銷中心之距離差異,將影響配送之運銷成本,針對此 一非均質需求型態所致之運銷成本之差異,本研究提出一差異化策略之概 念,對服務範圍內之各分區依其距配銷中心的遠近與需求量決定配送之頻 次。本研究並藉由實例分析,分析差異化策略對企業運銷成本與獲利之影 響,以提供作為企業在配銷範圍較廣,但仍屬直接運送範圍下之商品配送 策略。根據本研究的結果顯示,質化模式中電子購物於銷售與促銷資訊取 得、營業時間等兩屬性評比顯著優於傳統購物,購物方案屬性中之價格、 交貨時間、交易安全與購物經驗中消費者是否立刻拿到購買的商品與嘗試 新事物的意願等因素顯著影響其選擇行為。量化模式中旅運時間、價格與 取貨時間等變數顯著影響消費者選擇行為。在不同企業目標下的均衡結果 比較中,最適商品配送週期在不同企業目標下比較之結果以企業以最大化 銷售量為目標時最短,若企業以最大化利潤作為目標,則其最適之商品配 送週期,介於最小化平均運銷成本與最大化銷售量目標下求解之最適商品 配送週期之間。此外,若擴大研究範圍,並劃分為數個性質較接近之分區 時,若分區需求差異愈大的情況,則對採行差異化策略愈有利。本研究之 成果不僅在學術上可作為結合網路購物供給與需求面考量之研究架構確立 ,所發展之模式亦可提供網路購物商家分析消費者需求及研擬物流配送作 業規劃之參考。 This study aims at exploring issues regarding the consumer demand and the physical distribution of teleshopping and investigating the optimal goods shipping strategy by incorporating both suppliers'objectives and consumers'demand. We analyze factors affecting consumer teleshopping behavior and formulate both qualitative and quantitative models to determine consumer teleshopping demand. Then, we identify and formulate suppliers* logistics cost functions and construct a model of shipping strategy with direct shipment by using analytical approach. Trade-offs among consumer demand, different parts of logistics costs such as transportation, inventory, and terminal operating costs are analyzed to determine the optimal shipping strategy for suppliers. Mathematical models are formulated to examinethe interaction between supply and demand and to determine the optimalshipping cycle. A case study analyzing the shipping strategy of one local firm*s product is provided to illustrate the application of the models. The models also provide the basis for performing numerical analyses to analyze the sensitivity of the optimal solution to changes in model parameters. Moreover, due to the nonhomogeneous demand pattern of shopping locality, this study introduces a discriminatory service strategy. Such a strategy determines the optimal shipping cycles for different regions according to their demand volumes and distances to the distribution center. The results of demand models show that consumers perceive teleshopping has advantage on the acquisition of purchasing and promotion information and the flexibility of shopping time as compared to store shopping. The most significant factors in qualitative models are the goods price, delay time of receiving the goods, transaction security and consumer*s tendency on trying new products and purchasing the goods on stores, etc; while those in quantitative models are store access time, the goods price and delay time of receiving the goods, etc. This study further shows that the shipping cycles are different with respect to various supplier*s objectives. The optimal shipping cycle is the shortest if suppliers aim at maximizing sales. On the other hand, the longest shipping cycle is preferred for aiming the minimum logistics cost. Besides, the discriminatory service strategy yields better objective values if the discrepancy of demand pattern is more apparent. It is envisaged that the result of this study provides not only the theoretical framework of combining the demand and supply sides of teleshopping, but sheds light on operational and planning issues for the shipping strategy of telestore.zh_TW
dc.subjectphysical distributionen_US
dc.subjectdemand-supply interactionen_US
dc.subjectconsumer demanden_US
dc.titleThe Study on Consumer Demand and Physical Distribution of Teleshoppingen_US