標題: 以習慣觀點探討小客車租賃業潛在市場之研究
Applying the Habitual Domains Theory to Explore the Potential Market of Car Rental
作者: 鄭麗君
Jeng, Li-Jiun
Hsin-Li Chang
關鍵字: 習慣領域;小客車租賃業;Habitual Domains;Car Rental
公開日期: 1997
摘要: 小客車租賃業亦為運輸工具之一,卻多不受民眾普遍使用;目前政府為提 高民眾休閒活動實施隔週休二日,民眾旅遊旅次的增加,對交通工具需求 與服務及運具的價值也都以旅遊休閒的目的為重要考量。但是國內交通運 輸系統卻往往無法提供完善的服務。因此,本研究根據民眾對運輸現況與 運輸工具的選擇行為,加入習慣的觀點探討民眾對小客車租賃業使用特性 ,並以問卷訪問的方式發覺民眾對國內小客車租賃業不滿意屬性,及民眾 對租用運輸工具所在乎屬性。依據本研究前期訪問,國人對小客車租賃業 的服務特性有相當大的差異性,有些人常常租用,而有些人甚至不曾想過 ,但是依據習慣理論通常有租車經驗的消費者,當運輸需求產生此壓力結 構的驅使下,會較容易接受小客車租賃業。本研究以習慣的觀點將民眾依 「租車經驗」與「想法」分別區隔市場需求群組。以12項屬性探測民眾對 小客車租賃業的需求特性,並建立滿意度與重要性二維權重指標,藉由 此12項指標之原有市場與未開發市場建立落點圖與差異圖,區隔不同群組 所重視的需求屬性強度,並訂定不同行銷策略。本研究結果顯示,群組一 及群組六,皆認為租賃業之車輛清潔、車輛新舊、車款種類、公司形象、 手續繁簡、租車地點提供、車輛使用用途應多加強。群組二應加強旅運需 求的刺激,提昇服務水準及各式促銷方式。群組三、群組四應針對差異圖 中的第一、第二象限加強,群組五則應提昇公司企業形象、及增加廣告曝 光量,促使該群組增加租車的運具選擇,轉成群組三,再進行促銷。經由 問卷中開放性的問題統計顯示,最有可能產生租車需求為「旅遊」與「自 己無車」或「車輛不在身邊」。受訪者對租車不滿意的項目為「車輛的保 養不良」與「價錢太貴」。租賃業吸引消費者應改善項目為「費用應合理 化透明化」、「改良車輛性能」。在「買車自備停車位」、「加倍牌照燃 料稅收」策略執行下,民眾改以「租用」小客車的機會較低;「租賃業的 多樣化經營」促銷下,民眾有較高接受程度。同時在旅遊旅次民眾較願意 租車,以假日租車、需要時租用的市場較大,同時以四人座車、旅遊箱型 車為比較受歡迎車種。 "Rent a car" is another approach to own an automobile and keep the freedom to use it no matter for short periods or long terms. Renting a car can notonly reduce the maintenance cost of having it and release the pressure to park it when we do not drive it, but also provide the opportunity to drivera variety of cars. The industry of car rental has been operated in ourcountry for more than ten years, however, it is still not widely acceptedto rent a car for traveling in a short period or even in the long term. According the pass studies, the unexplored market of rental is partially resulted from people's unfamiliarity with the industry. This research is undertaken to study thee merits and drawbacks for renting acar for different travel purposes, and try to explore the potential marketfor car rental through the Theory of Habitual Domains. A face-to-face surveyis conducted to collect the feeling and opinions of the people with or withoutexperience of renting a car. The "importance" and "satisfaction" to the concernedattributes about renting a car are then used to analyze the niches for market promotion.The study results show the model, type, age, and clearance of cars, the image of car rental, the complexity of insurance and contracting procedures, as well as the widespread of service points are determining factors to attract people to rent a car. The further analyses also find that recreation traveling is themost important market for car renting in our country and different promotion strategies should be employed for the people with and without experience of rentinga car separately. The findings of this study provide the valuable information for policy making and strategic planning to the industry of car rental.