DC 欄位語言
dc.contributor.authorChen, Ya-Wenen_US
dc.contributor.authorHsiao-Cheng Yuen_US
dc.contributor.authorZhao-Yang Tongen_US
dc.description.abstract網路電話趨勢分析 學生:陳雅文 指導教授:虞孝成 教授 童兆陽 教授 國立交 通大學科技管理研究所 摘 要 IT 是將電話語音封包在網際網路上依照 IP 通信規約傳送,僅需傳統電路交 換式電話 1/8 的頻寬,由於利用分封交換技術能夠達到網路資源共享、降低成本 與多媒體應 用的潛力,帶來無限的商機,更對傳統電信產業產生重大威脅。本研究 從各層面探討 IT 的特性與現況,分析 IT 應用領域與商機,探討 IT 面臨的挑戰 與法規的爭議, 並且蒐集全球 IT 市場資訊與產品動向,歸結出 IT 未來的發展趨 勢: 1. IT 用戶端產品:符合 H.323 標準之 IT 用戶端產品陸續推出。IP 電話機取代 PC-to-PC IT 應用中的 PC,避免操作電腦的複雜性。 2. IT 網路產品:「 Carrier -Grade 」之 ITG 產品推出,容量與功能擴增,甚至整合 PBX 功能。眾廠商 ITG 產品 互通性問題逐漸獲得解決。Gatekeeper 產品將推出。 3. IT 標準:需制定保證 QoS、產 品互通、安全、網路管理、計費系統、其他先進服務 、以及與智慧型網路介接等 IT 新標準。 4. IT 技術:語音技術爭取與 PSTN 相同品質,未來可提升至 CD-Quality,並開始採 用視訊壓縮技術。 5. IT 應用:企業網路應用 IT 潛力與機 會廣泛;IT 朝整合語音、數據、視訊等多媒 體通訊應用發展。 6. IT 服務:IT 服務品質持續獲得改善;新 一代電信公司將產生,成為眾多 ITSP 業 者間提供漫遊服務的中間網路業者,將可提 供全球通訊的 IT 服務。 7. IT 市場:眾多業者將投入 IT 市場;企業市 場成長快速;IT 會逐漸侵蝕傳統電話 市場,但兩者將仍並存。 The Emerging Trends of Internet Telephony Student:Ya-Wen Chen Adivisor: Prof. Hsiao-Cheng Yu Prof. Zhao-Yang Tong Insititute of Management of Technology National Chiao Tung University ABSTRACT Internet Telephony (IT)uses packet switching technology to transport voice packets in IP networks. The bandwidth for each voice call is only 1/8 of that in a traditional circuit switching network. IT has the advanteages of low cost and multimedia content, therefore, it has great market potential, and caused serious threat to existing telecom carriers. This research emplored IT's strengthes and potentials, it's applications and business opportunities, it's chanllenges and regulatory impacts. IT is moving in the follwing directions: 1. IT end-user products: H.323 IT end-user products are rolling out. DSP-enabled IP Phone will simplify PC-to-PC IT operations. 2. IT network equipments: High capacity and capability of 「 Carrier-Grade 」 IT gateways will come to market soon. It will operate with PBXs or become integrated with PBXs. Multi-vendor interoperability will be essential. IT gatekeeper products will be ready. 3. IT standards: QoS, Multi-vendor interoperability, security, network management, billing, advanced services, and interface standards to IN will be defined. 4. IT technologies:Voice compression technology will improve the voice qulity to the level of PSTN calls. CD-quality voice and compressed video will follow. 5. IT applications: IT will proliferate first for corporate internal communications. It will intagrate voice, data, video and develop multiple 「 Integrated Packetized Multimedia Applications and Services 」. 6. IT services: IT with QoS will become available in the near future. 「 NetxGen Telcos 」 will become 「 Carriers' Carrier 」 which will provide roming services for multiple ITSPs. IT will become the most economical global communications services. 7. IT markets: Many equipment vendors and service providers will jump on the IT bandwagon. IT business markets will grow up quickly. It will gradually erode traditional telephony markets, nevertheless it will coexit with it for a long time.zh_TW
dc.subjectInternet Telephonyen_US
dc.subjectPacket Voiceen_US
dc.subjectIP Telephonyen_US
dc.titleThe Emerging Trends of Internet Telephonyen_US