標題: 經濟附加價值與股票報酬關聯性之研究
A Study on the Relationship between Economic Value Added and Stock Return in Taiwan
作者: 陳惠鈴
Chen, Huey-Ling
Chih-Young Hung
關鍵字: 經濟附加價值;股票報酬;Economic Value Added;Stock Return
公開日期: 1997
摘要: 經濟附加價值(EVA)是由紐約Stern Stewart & Co.財務顧問公司所 發展出來的績效衡量指標,用以衡量公司營運的實際獲利情形,也就是 衡量公司創造經濟價值能力的一種技術,藉以評估公司對資金使用的效 率。換句話說,EVA是促使公司有效管理資金的一種財務工具,強調利 用較少的資金成本來創造公司的經濟價值。 經濟附加價值模式在國外受到相當多學者的推崇,並且發現EVA和 股票價格的變動呈現出同步移動的趨勢,基於EVA和股票價格之間關聯 性的密切,於是有學者主張「EVA是衡量公司績效最有效的方式」,他們 認為股票的市場價格乃是反映出公司目前EVA的水準,以及預期該公司 EVA未來成長的結果。於是,本研究乃針對台灣的證券市場,探討有關 投資者對公司的評價行為,是否能有效地反應各公司創造經濟價值的能 力。 本研究以台灣證券市場所有上市公司為研究對象,以民國76至85 年為研究期間,分別針對所有的樣本公司、不同的產業別以及不同系統 風險值之情況進行實證分析。經由本研究實證的結果顯示,在台灣證券 市場,經濟附加價值模式(EVA Model)對股票報酬變異之解釋能力並非 如國外學者所宣稱般的顯著;而在不同產業別的實證分析中,利用EVA 指標解釋股票報酬之變動,以水泥業所得到的結果最為顯著;另外,在 不同系統風險值之情況,則以β值大於一的區間,其結果較為顯著 Economic Value Added (EVA), developed by Stern Stewart & Co., is a financial tool that enables companies to do more with less by spotlighting the cost of capital. EVA-related metrics are increasingly being used not only in internal decision making, but as a way to evaluate company performance. It is even claimed by many in the U.S. that EVA is the best indicator of business performance. One of EVA's most powerful properties is its strong link to stock price. However, it is not clear if EVA will still be an effective measure of firms performance when used in countries other than the U.S. In this study, I examined the validity of EVA in the premise of Taiwan's stock market. Specifically, two hypotheses regarding the explanatory power of EVA are examined by cross-sectional models, industry-specific models, and different groups of systematic risk models. The primary finding of this study is that the association of EVA with stock return is not as strong as suggested in anecdotal EVA stories. EVA is neither as perfect as claimed by its advocates, nor is it the only performance measure that suggests a path to a superior stock return.