Title: 設計並實作一OOAG應用程式之建構環境
Design and Implementation of an OOAG Application Construction Environment
Authors: 王建偉
Wang, Jian-Wei
Feng-Jian Wang
Keywords: 屬性文法;語意規格;物件導向技術;attribute grammars;semantic specification;object-oriented technique
Issue Date: 1997
Abstract: 屬性文法(attribute grammars – AGs) 是一個用於描述語意規範與屬性 之間相依關係計算的規格方法。其應用的領域非常廣泛,諸如語言為基工 具的規格制訂與自動產生。然而,由於現有的屬性文法所提供的語言結構 與功能尚且不夠豐富,以致於在用來建構應用程式時往往並不十分的實用 。因此我們認為應該在現有的屬性文法之上增加下列三個功能,以補強其 實用性: (1)開發友善的圖形使用者介面,以期能提供給使用者以更有效 率的方式制訂應用程式規格, (2)加入一些更高階的規格結構與語意,以 擴充屬性文法的表達能力,與 (3)開發一個能夠自動產生應用程式的整合 型建構環境。 這篇論文中提出了一個自動化的系統,稱作物件導向屬 性文法(object-orientedattribute grammar – OOAG)應用程式之建構環 境,以供使用者利用此環境所提供的圖形使用者介面來開發語言為基的應 用程式。OOAG將物件導向技術充分地整合在屬性文法內 (例如以物件導向 的觀點來詮釋剖析樹– parse tree),藉以擴充一些較高階的規格結構。 此外,目前環境本身可支援數種分析屬性的方法(AG evaluation methods) 以供使用者選擇。為了驗證其環境實用性,我們已用OOAG成功 地開發了四個應用程式。 Attribute grammars (AGs) are a well-known specification method for describingsemantic constraints and computational dependencies. Current application areasof AGs are of wide ranges, which include generation of language-based tools. Constructing these applications with existing AG systems, however, may be inconvenient due to poor support for whole tool development phases. It may behelpful to support AG application development with (1) specificationcomposition support in GUI, (2) AG specification language supported by higher-level specification construct, (3) integrated application generation. This thesis presents an automatic system, called OOAG applicationconstruction environment, which provides GUIs to facilitate the constructionof language-based applications. By extending AGs to incorporate object-orientedview on parse tree nodes, OOAG provides specification capability for higher-level semantics. Besides, this environment is designed to support flexibleapplication-generation options such as various AG evaluation methods and kindsof target languages. Four examples shown in this thesis are built by the OOAGapplication construction environment to demonstrate the feasibility of thesystem.
Appears in Collections:Thesis