Title: 在分散式關聯資料庫環境下作資訊擷取之乏晰查詢語言轉換技術
Fuzzy Query Translation for Information Retrieval in the Distributed Relational Databases Environment
Authors: 陳信宏
Chen, Hsin-Horng
Shyi-Ming Chen
Keywords: 晰查詢語言轉換;資訊擷取;關聯資料庫;Fuzzy Query Translation;Information Retrieval;Relational Database
Issue Date: 1997
Abstract: 在本論文中, 我們提出一個以乏晰數之a-切割運算為基礎, 在分散式關聯
資料庫環境中將乏晰查詢轉換成精確查詢的方法。另外, 在一個分散式關
聯資料庫環境中, 我們亦提出一個方法以處理當其中有一資料庫失效時之
不完全資料估計之方法。根據本文所提之方法, 我們亦實作了一個系統以
In this thesis, we propose a fuzzy query translation method
based on the a-cuts operations of fuzzy numbers to translate
fuzzy queries into precise queries in the distributed relational
databases environment. We also propose a method to estimate
incomplete data when the relations stored in a failed server
failed to access in thedistributed databases environment. Based
on these proposed methods, we have implemented a system to
translate fuzzy SQL queries to precise queries in the
distributed databases environment. The proposed methods allow
the users to deal with information retrieval in a more flexible
manner in thedistributed relational databases environment.
Appears in Collections:Thesis