Title: 應用差值影像於人臉辨識之研究
Research on Face Recognition Using Differential Images
Authors: 徐忠義
Hsu, Chung-I
Jen-Hui Chuang
Keywords: 人臉辨識;差值影像;特徵向量分析;主軸分析;線性鑑別分析;face recognition;differential image;eigenanalysis;principal component analysis;Fisher linear discriminant analysis
Issue Date: 1997
Abstract: 本論文提出一個名為 "差值影像前處理" 的方法,目的在改善一般人臉辨
識系統在辨別受到整體性緩慢灰階變化影響的人臉影像時的效能,例如 :
光線條件的變化 ......等等。從差值影像的特性而言,臉部特徵所造成
用到兩種不同的辨識系統 - Eigenface method 和 Fisherface method,
A preprocessing, differential image generation, is proposed in
this thesis to improve the performance of face recognition
systems for recognizing face images degraded by slow-changing
global variation in gray values, such as lighting conditions.
The motivation of using the differential image for face
recognition is resulted from the observation that main features
of a face usually cause more significant changes in the gray
values for image pixels in a small neighborhood than that due to
slow-changing global variation in gray values; therefore, using
the differential image may alleviate the above image problem.
Using the differential image may also speed up the recognition
progress and save the data storage, since the dynamic range of
the gray values of the differential image is much smaller than
the one of the original image. In this thesis, the proposed
method are applied as preprocessing for two face recognition
systems, Eigenface and Fisherface methods. Experimental results
show that the proposed method has good recognition rates when
recognizing degraded images as well as normal ones.
Appears in Collections:Thesis