標題: 一個建構在網路為中心的運算平台的服務建立與操作系統
A Network-Centric Computing Platform for Service Creation and Operations
作者: 林佳宏
Lin, Chia-Hong
Lin Ying-Dar
關鍵字: 以網路為中心的運算;服務建立與操作;寬頻網路;服務組成程式單元;network-centric computing;service creation and operation;SIBs (Service-Independent Building blocks);broadband networks
公開日期: 1997
摘要: 當以網路為中心的運算逐漸成為主流,一些現象也同時產生:應用程式附 加了全球資訊網(Web)的功能;應用程式可以被分解成幾個主要的程式 單元,這些程式單元不但可重複使用,而且是跨平台的;服務的建立和啟 用要快速並且要能滿足不同使用者的需要。基於這些要求,我們利用Web 、Java、CORBA三項技術提出一個跨平台的服務建立與操作架構,這個系 統包含了三個部份:一組可以建構寬頻網路服務的服務組成程式單元,這 些單元經由不同的組合,可以產生各式各樣的服務;一個使用者端的代理 者,其主要的功能在於執行必要的程式單元;及一個伺服端的代理應用程 式,其負責伺服端的服務。一個展示這個架構可行性的系統也已有了雛形 。 As the network-centric computing is becoming the major trend in the computing world, some phenomena also arise: that applications are web enabled, that applications are decomposed to several objects which are reusable and cross platform interoperable, and that services must be created quickly, deployed rapidly, and customized easily to satisfy the customers' demands. In this work,a platform-independent architecture of service creation and operation systems based on Web, Java, and CORBA technologies is proposed. The architecture consists of three parts: a set of SIBs (Service-Independent Building blocks)which are used to construct customized (service- dependent) SIB graphs for services on broadband networks; a client service agent which is downloaded from service providers and used to present applications (services) according to client SIB graphs; and server service agents which interpret and execute server SIB graphs duringa serving period. A prototype system is developed to demonstrate itsfeasibility.