Title: 國內共同基金選擇模型—因子分析與TOPSIS之應用
The Application of Factor Analysis and TOPSIS to Taiwanese Mutual Fund Selection
Authors: 吳權淩
Chuan-Ling Wu
Chih-Young Hung
Keywords: 因子分析;TOPSIS;群落分析;國內共同基金;多評準決策;Factor Analysis;TOPSIS;Cluster Analysis;Mutual Fund;MCDM
Issue Date: 2003
Abstract: 隨著金融商品的多元化,目前利率維持低檔,導致傳統保險保費提高很多,相較以往的壽險高利率,對消費者的吸引力降低,保險公司陸續推出投資型保單以降低經營風險,並轉嫁風險與投資報酬的選擇給投資人。投資型保單結合投資與保險的保障,投資部分經過保險公司精心挑選市場上較佳的投資工具,為客人在低利時代提供了一個較佳的理財方式,並經由專業的理財諮詢,提供投資人較穩健的投資選擇。而此類保單皆結合投信公司的基金,除了債券型基金外,其餘股票型基金正是投資者為追求更好的報酬率所必須熟悉的工具。但投資人在面對種類及數目眾多的國內共同基金時,雖然有基金評鑑機構的各種評鑑準則,但在這麼多準則下且過於專業,投資者往往無法利用投資機構提供的許多基金評估資料以做出決策,篩選出最適合其投資屬性的國內共同基金。由金融產品設計的觀點,若能利用財務理論與數量分析的方法歸納出幾個投資者能了解並易於選擇的基金組合,將可以吸引新的客戶,增加這個商品的市場接受度。 由於投資型商品就是保險結合基金投資的商品,倘若投資者或專業的理財顧問無法適切的從這麼多的基金中挑選出符合其投資屬性的商品,那投資者們將會卻步不大容易接受此投資型保險商品。因此本研究目的就是希望能找到一個解決方法,幫助他們這方面如何挑選基金的問題,進而促進此商品能夠蓬勃發展。而此方法為藉著應用「多變量分析」的方法,建立「國內共同基金多準則評估模型」,並藉由專業人士對此模型的了解來協助投資人有效的篩選出最適合其投資屬性的國內共同基金作為投資標的。本研究利用因子分析法(Factor Analysis)尋找出評估國內共同基金時的重要評估因子後,利用因子得點進行群落分析,藉以了解被評估基金的群落類型分佈狀況及不同群落的特性類型。並利用多準則評估模型,依投資者對各評估因子偏好,評選各類型基金投資之優先性。研究結果顯示,基金投資機構常用的十二個國內共同基金評估準則可重新歸納成四個重要評估因子。被評估的三十個國內共同基金可分類成四個不同特性的群落。投資人可以篩選出最適合其投資屬性的國內共同基金。
The purpose of the study is to find a method that can help the investors to choose the most suitable match domestic mutual fund of the characteristic of his investment. It will promote the development of investment-oriented insurance product. The researcher establishes the MCDM model of domestic mutual fund by multivariate analysis. By the using this model, the experts can help the investors to select effectively the most suitable match the domestic mutual fund. At first, the researcher seeks for the important evaluated factors by factor analysis to evaluate the domestic mutual fund. The second, the researcher make use of the factor scores to do the cluster analysis, and the characteristic type of different groups can be understood. Finally, the investor gives the weight of each factor such that the experts can advise the most suitable fund to the investor by MCDM. The result of the research shows that the commonly used twelve evaluated criteria by fund investment institution can be reduced to four important evaluated factors. The evaluated thirty domestic mutual funds can be classified into four groups. The investor can select the most suitable match the domestic mutual fund.
Appears in Collections:Thesis