Title: 網際網路上的工程競標:應用密碼學理論建立一個安全且公平的商業機制
Bidding Through Internet: Applying Cryptography to Establish a Secure and Fair Commercial Scheme
Authors: 陳俊良
Chen, Jean Liang
Hwang Jing Jang
Keywords: 工程競標;安全性;公平性;匿名通訊;不可否認性;bidding;security;fairness;anonymous MIX;non-repudiation proofs
Issue Date: 1997
Abstract: 密碼學是電子商務能否成功的一項關鍵技術,而工程競標亦是相當適合運
行為,以維持工程競標的公平性。 本篇論文中,我們採用了多個密碼
學協定,他們分別是:(1)匿名化混亂器(Anonymous MIX),(2)伺服器簽
章(Server-Support Signature),(3)可檢驗身份的盲目簽章(Fair Blind
Signature),(4)可公開檢驗的秘密分享(Publicly Verifiable Secret
Sharing),(5)群體適用的加解密方法(Group-Oriented Cryptosystem)。
此一系統有著下列幾個特性:(1) 得標者的決定,是由一個決策群組所做
出的,沒有任何人可以任意單獨地進行決標 的程序;(2) 沒有人可以
偽造標單;(3) 可防止同一競標廠商重複投標;(4) 主辦單位會遵照先前
所訂定出的規則選出得標者;(5) 決策人員的選定可以到開標前才決定
;(6) 競標廠商在開標前可取消先前投標。 在我們所設計的系統之內
Cryptography is a key technology to the success of
electronic commerce(EC). Bidding through Internet, a potential
activity of EC, must depend on cryptography too. Cryptographic
primitives and their application protocols must be introduced
into an Internet bidding system to protect information
integrity, to keep data confidential, to offer non-repudiation
proofs, and to provide other security services. Fairness is
another essential goal that a bidding system must achieve. We
must build into the system safeguards against corruption by
officers and against illegal activities such as a monopoly by
coercion. Several cryptographic protocols are adopted in the
system presentedin this thesis. They are these: (1) Anonymous
Mix, (2) Server-Supported Signature, (3) Fair Blind Signature,
(4) Non-repudiation Proofs, and (5) Publicly Verifiable Secret
Sharing. The system satisfies the following properties:
(1) Deciding who is the winner is a group decision process and
nobody can monopoly the process;(2) Nobody can forge a
bid;(3) Double bidding will be detected;(4) The winner must be
chosen according to the announced policy;(5) Officers for
deciding who is winner can be appointed as late as possible; (6)
A bidder can revoke his bid before the deadline. There are
two types of participants in the system: the authorities and the
bidders. The author has clearly defined the responsibilities and
the rights for each type of participants. According to the
analysis presented in this thesis, the system is fair, secure,
and is feasible for implementation in the real world.
Appears in Collections:Thesis