Title: 基於半頻濾波器之內差型DPCM金字塔之研究和應用
Interpolative DPCM Pyramid Based on Halfband Filters
Authors: 何文楨
Ho, Wen-Jen
Chang Wen-Thong
Keywords: 金字塔;半頻濾波器;影像壓縮;曲面重建;Pyramid;Halfband Filter;Image Compression;Surface Interpolation
Issue Date: 1997
Abstract: 在本論文中, 吾人提出一種稱為內差型DPCM金字塔之多解析訊號表示
可幫助建構一整數與整數間之轉換。此種表示法可等效於一濾波器組, 亦
In this thesis, a multiresolution representation called
interpolative DPCMpyramid is proposed and its applications on
image compression and fast surfaceinterpolation are also
investigated.Interpolative DPCM pyramid is similar to the
Laplacian pyramid except the wayof generating the low resolution
signal.Instead of filtering the signal before downsampling, the
low resolution signalis obtained by direct downsampling the high
resolution signal withoutprefilters. The high resolution signal
is estimated by interpolating the low resolution signal with the
halfband filters. With this approach,an integer to integer
multiresolution transform can be constructed.This pyramid can be
treated as a biorthogonal perfect reconstructionfilter bank.It
can also be treated as the discrete-time interpolative wavelet
transform.Based on the framework of critically sampled pyramid,
the relations betweeninterpolative DPCM pyramid, interpolative
filter bank and interpolative wavelettransform are clarified in
this thesis.The role of halfband filters in the construction of
wavelet bases is discussed.Based on the time-domain Strang-Fix
condition, the relation between theregularity and the polynomial
interpolation is made more clear.The non-maximally flat filters
are shown to provide much flexibility than themaximally flat
filters in the scheme of adaptive interpolation. With
thisadaptive interpolation algorithm,the adaptive interpolative
DPCM pyramid is described andits applications on the lossless
image compression are also investigated.Experimental results
show that the adaptive interpolative DPCM pyramid arecomparable
to the state-of-art lossless image compression methods.Based on
the multiresolution scheme of interpolative wavelet transform,
the fastcomputation algorithm is developed for the surface
interpolation.In the developed fast algorithm, the interpolative
wavelet transform isfirst appliedto construct the
multiresolution representation of the interpolation problem,
then, the multigrid algorithm is followed by the wavelet
transform to solvethis problem.The wavelet transform can be
treated as a precondition of the problem and theresultant signal
to be solved will have an octave-band decomposition structure.
This structure possesses the representation form needed for
multigridcomputation and naturally inducesthe combined
multiresolution/multigrid computationstructure.This combined
structure is proposed in this thesis.Experimental results show
that the proposed computation structure yieldssignificant
improvement in the computation speed.
Appears in Collections:Thesis