Title: 光纖有線電視網路之數位訊號傳輸研究
Transmission of QAM signals in hybrid fiber/coax networks
Authors: 江丕揚
Chiang, Pi-Yang
Winston I. Way
Keywords: 有線電視;混合光纖同軸網路;雷射截波;二維振幅調變;頻道容量;前置編碼;CATV;hybrid fiber/coax;laser clipping;QAM;channel capacity;precoding
Issue Date: 1997
Abstract: 我們探討在光纖有線電視網路中,一顆雷射二極體可傳送的最大 QAM
形產生器產生 10 到 70 個 QPSK 及 16-QAM 上行訊號,以調變三顆受測
的雷射,分別是一顆有隔離與溫控的 DFB、和二顆無隔離與溫控的
Fabry-Perot 雷射。研究結果顯示,對一個供上行所使用的雷射,即便其
RIN 高達 -115 dB/Hz,仍可傳送超過 1000 個 QPSK 或 170 個 16-QAM
有 8 個碰撞,則 QPSK 頻道容量將只剩 125 個。這個結果對採用頻帶堆
疊以及碰撞式 MAC 的上行系統設計,有重要的影響。另一方面,同樣的
分析也可以應用在下行系統,其結果顯示,一個 RIN 為 -135 dB/Hz的雷
射,最多可以傳送 600 個 64-QAM 或 128 個 256-QAM 頻道。 針對
混合 AM-VSB/QAM 傳輸系統,我們則提出「前置編碼」技術,以解決因
AM-VSB 訊號所引起的非線性失真,對 QAM 訊號所造成的干擾。我們以雷
We investigate the ultimate QAM channel capacity of a laser
diode in a hybrid fiber/coax network which is limited by the
laser-clipping induced nonlinear distortions (NLD's) and the
relative intensity noise (RIN). Our study includes a spectral
analysis, a complete system simulation, and an experiment. In
the experiment, up to 70 channels of vector-arbitrary-waveform-
synthesizer generated upstream QPSK or 16-QAM signals were used
to modulate an isolated/cooled DFB laser and two unisolated/
uncooled Fabry-Perot lasers, respectively. Our analytical
results show that for an upstream laser diode, over 1000 QPSK
channels or 170 16-QAM channels can be delivered, even in the
presence of a high RIN level of -115 dB/Hz. However, these high
capacities are reduced significantly when we consider the effect
of collision-based medium access control (MAC) protocols. We
found that, in the worst case condition (collisions occur in all
but one channels), the ultimate QPSK channel capacity of an
upstream laser diode is dramatically reduced from over 1000 to
125 for 8 collisions/channel. These results have important
implications to systems transporting frequency-stacked return-
path bands with or without collision-based MAC channels. As
regard to the ultimate capacity of a downstream laser diode with
a RIN level of -135 dB/Hz, we found that as high as 600 and 128
channels of 64-QAM and 256-QAM signals can be transported,
respectively. Through computer simulations, we also propose
and verify the use of a precoding technique to eliminate the
NLD's in a QAM channel which is transported along with multiple
AM-VSB channels by a laser diode. We show that, for the first
time, the precoding technique can completely remove the
clipping-induced bit-error-rate floor at a cost of a 3 dB
signal-to-noise ratio reduction.
Appears in Collections:Thesis