標題: 建立一個評估公共政策倫理性的模式-以勞斯的「正義論」為基礎
Constructing a Model for Evaluating the Ethics of Public Policy- Based on Rawls' "A Theory of Justice"
作者: 劉育真
Liu, Yu-Chen
巫永森, 楊孟晉
Wu Yung-Sen, Yang Martin
關鍵字: 公共政策;倫理性;評估;無知的面紗;自由權平等原則;差異原則;Public Policy;Ethics;Evaluation;The Veil of Ignorance;The Principle of Equal Liberty;Difference Principle
公開日期: 1997
摘要: 公共政策是政府為因應社會需求而透過議程運作,以求適當分配有限資源 的工具,政策問題的主觀性、人為性、互賴性、動態性及歷史性,加上政 策解決社會需求衝突、謀求全民福祉的功能,使得公共政策的倫理道德議 題日益受重視。為了要了解公共政策在解決需求衝突、實踐其社會價值時 ,是否具有足夠的倫理考量,本研究透過論證架構,以Rawls的「正義論 」為基礎,建構了一個評估公共政策倫理性的模式。此模式係分三步驟進 行:首先運用「正義論」中「無知的面紗」揭開的四個階段,來分析政策 所處的環境;其次分析欲評估的政策本身,是誰獲利、獲得何種利益及如 何獲利;最後則以「正義論」的「自由權平等原則」及「差異原則」,針 對政策的獲利對象、如何及獲得何種利益,以評估公共政策是否具備足夠 的倫理性,並希望幫助政策制定者、政策監督者及政策對象,依其評估結 果不斷地對公共政策進行檢討,以修正政策方向,提昇政策內涵。 Public policy, caused by social needs, which the government uses as tool through congress procedures, and being used to be able to allocate limited resources properly. Nevertheless, the subjectivity, artificiality, interdependence, dynamics, and historicity of policy issue , and the role it plays to solve conflicts between social needs, to promote social welfare, all of which makes the issue of ethics of public policy to be stressed more. In order to understand if enough ethical consideration is given while solving needs conflict and exercising social value, through an argument framework, based on Rawls'“A Theory of Justice”, we construct a model for evaluating the ethics of public policy. The model includes three steps:at first , to analyze the circumstances where the policy is exercised by the four stages revealed by "The Veil of Ignorance " in the “A Theory of Justice”. Secondly, to analyze the evaluated policy itself, that who benefit from, and what and how they benefit. Finally, focusing on the people who benefit from the policy, and how and what the benefit by “the principle of equal liberty” and“ difference principle”, to examine if the public policy is ethical in distributing resources. Besides, we hope to help the policy makers, the policy supervisor, and policy receivers continuously review public policy, elevate policy function through modifying policy direction according to the evaluation results, and to enhance the essence of policy.
Appears in Collections:Thesis