標題: 休閒車消費行為之研究
The Consumer Behavior Study of Utility Vehicles
作者: 王朝民
Wang, Chao-Min
Shu-Quang Chen
關鍵字: 休閒車;旅行車;休旅車;越野車;Recreational Vehicle;station wagon;minivan;sport utility vehicle
公開日期: 1997
摘要: 摘 要本研究首先定義這二年來新興的車種---休閒車,將休閒車分為越 野車和休旅車。並試圖由年齡、職業、教育、婚姻情況與年所得等五項人 口統計變數中,找出一個最適宜的變數,做為越野車和休旅車市場區隔的 變數。方法則是研究各個人口統計變數與消費行為、產品屬性重視程度間 的關係,以便找出與消費行為及產品屬性重視程度最具關聯性的人口統計 變數做為市場區隔的基礎。接著則依據消費者在這個人口統計變數特徵上 的不同,將休閒車(越野車及休旅車)的市場隔開來,並對於區隔市場的 消費行為特徵及重視的產品屬性做描述。研究發現,對越野車最適宜的市 場區隔變數是「年齡」。根據研究發現,26-40的消費者對於追求駕車樂 趣而購買越野車的意願是相較其他年齡層為高。越野車主要是一種提供駕 車樂趣的車種。26歲以下的消費者雖然有較強的活動力但因為所得較少, 且要購買的物品相較為多,故購買越野車意願較26-40歲的消費者低。 而41歲以上的消費者雖然所得較為高,但活動力較低且有興趣的車種多為 一般房車,故購買意願也相對較低。研究發現,對休旅車最適宜的市場區 隔變數是「婚姻」。根據研究發現,未婚者對購買休旅車的意願較已婚者 為低。休旅車是一種車型較為龐大的車型,它提供較為寬敝的乘座空間, 已婚者出遊人數通常較未婚者多,在考量乘坐空間的情況下,故有較高的 購買意願。至於在重視的產品屬性方面;越野車最為重視的產品屬性是「 操控性能」與「馬力強弱」,而休旅車最為重視的產品屬性則是「乘坐空 間」與「操控性能」。 AbstractThis research first defined the 2 types of vehicles that's been gaining popularity --- Recreation Vehicle, which is then classified into Sport Utility Vehicle, & Multiple Utility Vehicle. This research also attempted to find the most suitable factor to evaluate the market difference between the Sport Utility Vehicle, & Multiple Utility Vehicle market among the five demographic variables like age, profession, educational level, marital status, and annual income. The method used was to study the relation amonBased on the consumer demographic differences, the consumer behavioral characteristic and product characteristic emphasized is described and used to differentiate the Recreation Vehicle market. The research has found that most suitable market differentiation variable for Sport Utility Vehicle is "age". Consumers aged between 26 & 40 have a preference for purchasing Sport Utility Vehicle for its fun of driving, since Sport Utility Vehicle is the type of car meant to be fun. For consumers under 25, although they are more energetic, but due to their lower income, and the need to buy more things, so the preference for Sport Utility Vehicle is lower. For consumer 41 years old and above, even though theThis research also discovered that the most suitable market differentiation variable for Multiple Utility Vehicle is marital status. Based on this research, singles are less likely to want to purchase Multiple Utility Vehicle, compared to married people. Multiple Utility Vehicle is a large sized vehicle; it offers more comfortable room, and since married people often have more company to travel with, they would be more concerned with roominess, thus they would have more desire to purchase this type of vehicIn regard to the degree of emphasis on product characteristics, the most significant characteristic for Sport Utility Vehicle is capability of steering & horsepower and most significant characteristic for Multiple is roominess, and capability of steering.