Title: 導入日本安全衛生管理制度對(某電腦週邊產業)安衛實務影響之研究
The research of inducting Japanese safety and hygiene control system to ( computer and peripherals ) company and its influence
Authors: 林心怡
Keywords: 購併;責任照顧制度;全員參加生產保養;絕對責任;Mergers;Responsible Care;Total Productive Management;Accountability
Issue Date: 2004
Abstract: 二十一世紀是地球村世代,強調勞力分工重視經濟發展,近年來國際間重要企業體藉相互購併(Mergers & Acquisitions﹐M&A )來獲取競爭優勢,全球頓時興起一股併購的熱潮,而企業合併往往成為產業生存所不得不面對的問題。企業合併可以促進互補效益,也可以擴大規模經濟與經營領域,但是合併後因為每個國家的社會文化不同,導致基本的認知也不同,甚至連「勞工安全」這樣普世價值,每個國家做法也不盡相同,如何做好跨文化管理,減緩合併造成的衝突對立成為刻不容緩的課題,不管是中、日企業,降低風險創造安全無慮的工作環境,都是經營者追求的目標,但降低職業災害發生的方法與手段雖很多,但是一家企業的安全衛生管理能否有效落實,其實是取決於企業負責人的經營理念,因為安衛管理與一般的生產設備或研發設計不同,是無法立即獲利的,企業合併後安衛管理制度對安衛專責人員的衝擊最大,當文化不同及法規不同時,難免會造成工安人員內心的忐 忑不安,本論文希望能分享當企業被跨國合併後工安人員可能接受到的某些挑戰和變革以及如何適應和應有的做法,要如何讓國情不同且對國內法規不甚了解的外國籍雇主能夠相信工安人員的能力進而提升工安部門在企業組織上位階與功能的多樣化,並研究實際合併後安衛作法調整對職災率與風險、員工認知..等的影響。而在全球化趨勢下,跨國企業合併已是常見現象,不同國家的文化、管理方式要如何融合,以達到合併最大利益,是管理者需要研究的課題。本文將介紹中日企業合併後,安全衛生管理上的改變與差異,融入並參考日本的安衛管理以達到企業永續經營的目標前進。
The 21st century is the global village age which emphasized the cooperation and the economical development. In recent years the multinational corporation gained the competitive advantage by using “Mergers & Acquisitions”, and the whole world starts this fever immediately. However, the business combination often became the question which the industrial survival must to face. The business combination may promote the supplementary benefit, and may also expand the economies of scale and the management domain. But after company merges, differences of social culture also cause the difference of basic cognition. Even the ordinary value "the laborer safety" of the company, the procedure of each country is also different. How to deal with the cross-cultural management and slow down the conflict which created by the merge becomes the urgent topic. Whether Japanese or Taiwanese companies, the chief goal which the executors pursue is to reduce the risk and create a safety working condition. Despite of many methods to reduce the professional disasters, a company's safety and hygiene management which could effectively carries out is decided by the executor’s idea. It is unable to make a profit immediately because health and hygiene management is different from production equipment or research development. After business combination, the staffs of safety and hygiene development face the biggest challenge. It unavoidably makes the staffs of safety and hygiene development feel disturbed and restless when culture, laws and regulations are different. This paper provides some methods which help the staffs of safety and hygiene development face the challenges and changes after the company merger. How to makes the outside employers with different culture believe these staff’s ability and promotes position and function of the safety and hygiene department in the company. Furthermore, to research the influence of company merge, the safety and hygiene method change the disaster rate, risk and staff cognition. Under the tendency of the globalization, the multinational business combination was already a common phenomenon. How did the management combine to achieve the greatest benefit is the topic that the executor needs to study about different culture. After the combination between Taiwan and Japan business, the changes and differences of the safety and hygiene management should refers to the safety and hygiene management of Japanese in order to reach the goal that enterprises manage continuously forever.
Appears in Collections:Thesis