標題: 國內業界操作衍生性金融商品現況及其會計處理之案例研究
A Case Study on Accounting Practice for Current Derivative Transactions in Taiwan
作者: 林雅芳
Lin, Yea-Fang
Kehluh Wang
關鍵字: 衍生性金融商品;會計處理;derivatives;accounting
公開日期: 1997
摘要: 摘要 隨著國際經濟環境瞬息萬變,企業所面臨風險和競爭 壓力,與日俱增,使衍生性金融商品交易大幅成長;由於目前國內只針對 遠期外匯的會計處理有所規範,其他衍生性金融商品則尚未制定,故本研 究以國內電子資訊業及金融業為研究對象,及使用調查訪問法之深度訪談 為搜集及分析資料來瞭解目前業界操作衍生性金融商品之現況及其會計處 理。 實證結果如下:1. 企業操作衍生性金融商品以避險目的為主,而 銀行則以投機目的 為主。2. 業界操作衍生性金融商品以企業整體為風 險衡量基礎,且避險項 目和被避險項目有直接對應之關係,無法實施 避險會計原則。3. 業界操作衍生性金融商品所規避的預期交易,可明確 瞭解其發生 時間、數量、金額和商品類別等特性。4. 選擇權、利率交 換、貨幣交換之會計處理,至少一種以上。5.不同目的之衍生性金融商品 的評價方法,至少一種以上。6.衍生性金融商品應揭露項目不足或無法充 份表達揭露內容。 ABSRTACT Due to fast changes in economic environment, firms are facing more financial risks. The transactions of derivatives are increasingly moreimportant. Right now only the forward contracts are regulated for its accounting method. The purpose of their study is to find out thederivatives used in Taiwan and its accounting practices. Using the case study methodology, I interviewed Electron - Information companies, and Commercial banks to collect data and conduct the analyses. The results of the study are:1.The main purpose for firms using derivatives is hedging; while the purpose for banks using derivatives is speculating.2.The basis of risk measurement is for the whole company, not for each transaction. The principle of hedge accounting is usually not used.3.It can be understood well for the character of expected transaction that firms use derivative to hedge risk.4.There are several accounting methods for the transaction of options, interest rate swaps and currency swaps. 5.There are several pricing methods for derivatives used or various purpose.6.It is found that the disclosure for derivative transaction is usually not sufficient.